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(Of course character descriptions and chapter details will not match the video because they are made up. A.k.a these are NOT the characters in my book. I just want you all to have a sense of how the girls/band moves. It'll tell when to play it. The cadences/choreography in the book are modeled after this collegiate band that I will introduce later..So yea just use your imaginations! :)

Pep Rally Day



There are two-hundred instruments in the band and two-hundred people who play them.

That's right, two-hundred members of the band not including us dolls. It was pretty big I must say, puts other schools around to shame.

We left out of the dressing room to get in our ranks with the rest of the band. I look around at all of us to see that some of us are in white, most of the others are in a teal color or baby blue.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What is this? Should I be worried cuz this is not a you thing?" asked Jabari lifting my arm. I had two thin strips of gauze taped down my forearm for my injury. They were flesh toned, I hoped no one would ask.

I shook my head snatching it back. "It's nothing, I just fell some that's all."

He hadn't been at practice all week to know that I acquired an injury from Mr. Slaughter himself, the dude he said I wouldn't have to worry about anymore. I can't blame him though, I fear whether we crossed paths a nice way or not, I would never stop worrying anyway. Of course Jabari would never speculate that because only Damien and I know our history and present. None of the girls really clocked it, I told my family I got hurt doing a stunt, being clumsy Diamond. No one questioning where I got such a cut eased me a bit and I didn't need him to start.

He squinted his eyes, "You don't fall Diamond. Ion believe this."

"And I don't believe you were 'just helping set up concessions'," I blurted. Fuck, I did not mean to say that out loud. Welp. No turning back now.

"Um where else would I be Diamond?" he whipped around chuckling.

"I don't know you tell me," I said making a serious face.

"Diamond we don't have time for one of your little interrogations, can I take a rain check?" he responded moving my hair past my shoulders.

I didn't respond, I just gave him a look like "you're off the hook for now".

All of sudden a loud siren went off and I nearly jumped out of my own skin.

"Everybody be quiet and pay attention!" shouted Dr. Whitlock through his bullhorn.

One thing about him, he's gonna use that bullhorn no matter the time or the place. Dr. Whitlock is the H.N.I.C. as he likes to call himself. He introduced himself that way to us crabs on the first day of band camp and we were all taken by storm. Most people are thinking "my goodness, how can someone working with kids speak that way?" That's just the thing. Dr. Whitlock is like one of those uncles at a black family cookout who is gonna tell it like it is, but band director version. There's no beating around the bush. Our principle doesn't mind because, well, it makes us just that good. He knows the sound he wants and boy if they don't give it to him, he's gonna let 'em have it. Besides this is the South. Everyone is quite candid down here. This school is also very ghetto as I have mentioned.

"Freshmen you all get in your ranks first just like how we practiced. Once you guys march in to the center, stand at attention. Vets will be right behind you. Everybody got that?" asked Dr. Whitlock strongly.

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