Knock Your Head Off

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We arrived at the school.

That ride felt as long as I don't know what. Thankfully, I can say I went the whole way unbothered and rested. Just as I thought, Damien couldn't fuck with me if I'm way back here, it was just impossible.

The only thing throwing me off about the journey is this dream I had. To be honest, I don't know if it was a dream or not, I swear to God it looked real. Everyone on the bus was sound asleep, even Taylor who had successfully finished mending our uniforms. The only thing that could be heard was the undertone sounds of the engine of the moving vehicle. Now remember, I said I couldn't decipher if this was a dream or not, but I see it vividly when I recall it. With my barely open, blurred eyes, I peeped Heiress carefully stepping over Jordyn, in the seat next her, into the aisle. She crept through bags in her way, being extra cautious not to make a single noise.

What was she doing?

She didn't go too far, only stopped a couple seats in front of me. When she got there, big hands reached up from in front of her and pulled her waist, pulling her down until the both of them couldn't be seen. I never saw her come back up, after staring for a minute.

Knowing that I was half asleep I shook it off, turning my head back to CoCo's shoulder and knocking right back out. A little while later I woke up AGAIN, this time Heiress had seemingly crept back to her seat, and snuggled in like she hadn't even moved before. I looked back to where she had come from once more, to see Damien looking over the head of his seat at me. He rubbed something off on the corner of his lips before lowering back down.

Another reminder, I was half asleep. So was that real or no? If it wasn't, why would I have a dream like that..I am a dreamer, but I can't normally recall the specificity of any dreams I have. I suppose this "dream" came in pieces as well, but they were way too easy to put together and make sense off.

It was weirder than weird.

There was an hour and a half before it was time for the football players to go down to warm up and for us to march in. In that time we were catered Chick-fil-a, so we ate and prepared to go into the stadium. The opposite of a lot of people, I actually do eat when I'm nervous and I continue to do so until I can't anymore. It's comforting...then somewhere along the line I might throw it all up after the fact. So I indulged in the entire meal they provided everyone.

Don't mind if I do.

"Are you gonna eat your chips, CoCo?" I asked.

"You been highkey on this food since they started passing it out girl," she made a horrified expression while inching over the bag to me. She acted like I was gonna bite one of her fingers off.

"Sorry, I'm just hungry..I didn't eat breakfast." I knew full well that I had a bowl of cereal, a banana, and some more fruit before leaving the house this morning. "Oh, well don't eat so damn fast you gone be sick before the game even start."

I might be, but I don't care right now, I am craving any and everything!

I kept stuffing my face like a crazy person. Taylor had to take away the snacks I was sneaking, so I could get through getting ready. My God, was it that bad? I guess so, everyone made a big fuss about it so I quit eventually.

The short break period had ended and the band was lined up getting ready to make our way inside the stadium. There were cars arriving and going, among those that packed out where our buses were parked. Spectators from several parts of Mississippi would be at this specific game I believe, so it's kind of a big deal that we look correct.

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