Terribly White

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Thursday Evening

"The hell do you mean he's making you quit?!" Jabari questioned me furious.

"Will you lower your voice jack-ass?!" I fussed. Keeping Jabari quiet was like telling a crying newborn to shut up. "Do you want them to hear you upstairs?"

He came over so we could do homework together. He hadn't done anything all week because we were stuck at home, causing him to get behind. I on the other hand, kept up with my assignments like I was supposed to. He finished eventually and now we're both just making the time pass. Unfortunately I had to break the news to him. And he was blowing it out of proportion.

"I thought the ceiling was soundproof..." he squinted his eyes.

I don't understand why they made the basement soundproof. Weird, I know. I could be dying down here one day. I smacked my teeth, "It IS...but still."

"All the more reason for me to be as loud as I want, DA FUCK YOU MEAN YOU HAVE TO QUIT?" he quite literally screamed at me, demanding an answer.

"Just what I said."

"Girl, I know you didn't have me staying up at night losing sleep at football camp listening to you rant about making this team."

"Well sorry, it wasn't my choice."

"Yeah! I see!"

I cringed at his volume, hoping he would just calm the hell down. "Are you done yelling? God."

"I don't know, depends on what you gone say next."

"Well get your lungs ready. You know how the man is, what he says goes," I shrugged.

"And if I know him like I think I do, he has got to be bluffing. I mean come on, it's you."

I sighed, "I don't think he's playing around."

"I'm gone knock some sense into him, then he'll remember that he's being ridiculous." Jabari started cracking his knuckles. Daddy and him play fought a lot, but I think Jabari wanted to sock him for real. He'd probably get away with it. He was like another son to him.

"Maybe, maybe not," I said.

"Why aren't you upset? You better get yo ass up there and tell him about himself!" he fussed.

Thinking and talking about the situation is giving me the worst headache. I'm over it. "Jabari, I've made peace with whatever his final decision is, okay. Fighting for it is pointless. I'm not like you."

"That's your problem. Just cuz he's big and tough doesn't mean you can't advocate for yourself. Unless you wanna be miserable breaking in pointe shoes forever," he said. I can't count how many times he's given me this same speech.

"Hmmmmm that sounds like a friend of yours doesn't?" I made a sarcastic pouty face. "Or a couple."

"You ain't funny."

"I think so," I grinned.

"Don't start that with me. I'm tryna help yo goody-two-shoes ass stay on the team."

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