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Band Camp, July


"Who do you think it is?" Brandy asked.

She and I are walking into the gym for our second week of band camp. Yesterday Taylor told us that a special guest will be coming in to help teach us some choreography. We've all been trying to figure out who it could possibly be.

I replied, "I literally don't have a clue, someone from Contemporary Excellence maybe?" It's the community dance company that I basically grew up training in. "I really don't know, I think it might be an alumnus or something," she said shrugging.

We put our stuff down and went to the center of the gym with the rest of the girls to start stretching for practice. I'm loving it so far, being here with the girls. Thankfully the vets don't partake in hazing and have really been treating us like little sisters, they're really great. I'm glad I feel welcome, whew.

"Ou ya'll what if it's Beyoncé?" asked a third year, Kameron. That girl says the craziest stuff, but she can buck you into the ground. Another third year, Nyvia smacked her teeth, "You know damn well it ain't no Beyoncé." Kameron rolled her eyes, "Bitch, whatever." "Girl anyway, what y'all think Coach got planned," Nyvia asked the rest of us. We all pretty much have no idea, so we just let it go until we start, continuing to stretch and chat.

About ten minutes later our coaches walk in with Heiress. We're talking and laughing when Taylor gets our attention. "Alright ladies, y'all doing okay, everybody feel good? Anybody feeling hurt or injured?" she asks writing on her clipboard.

Everyone collectively says they feel fine. She asks us everyday before and after practice to ensure everybody is okay physically so they can perform.

Coach nods in understanding, "Okay, good. Just let me know early, so we can go head and get a brace on it, ice it, whatever it is. We don't need anyone prolonging injuries now."

"Okay you've been holding out on us Coach who is this mystery guest you was talking about yesterday?!" blurted Travia, a senior.

Some of us giggle at Coach's face palm, "Oh that's right I shole forgot, thank you chile! Okay, so yesterday I told you all that I had someone special coming in to help you guys with some choreography for band camp. You all know and love this person, so that makes this specific guest extra special. " We're all looking around like who could it possibly be? She turned towards the back door of the gym leading to the field and shouted, "Come on in here mister!" the door opened and everybody's faces lit up.

"SURPRISE!" Jabari busted through the door with his arms in the air. I just laugh to myself thinking lord he is too extra. As he walked in all the girls hop up and run over hugging on him. "Ya'll knew I had to pop up for the one time to help out my sisters. Ain't nobody messing up at any games this season." He is definitely everybody's favorite and a real social butterfly. He knows EVERYONE. His mama has trained some extraordinary dancers from Arabia and he is very athletic, so his skill set is one of the biggest reasons everyone knows him.

Once everyone un-clings I speed up walk up to him and slap him upside the head, "You got some nerve being the surprise guest when I was asking you all last night who it is. Just trifling." He rolls his eyes, "That would just ruin the surprise dumb ass. You know you're surprised admit it." I fold my arms, "I won't lie, yes, yes I am." Hell we all are, but freaking excited to have him.

Nakoia, another third year spoke up, "Heiress sneaky ass probably knew too!" Heiress put her hands up laughing, "Y'all I swear I didn't know, that's all Coach get her not me!" We all look at her like yeah right.

"Y'all that's only half the surprise. Jabari go head," She looked in his direction. He clasped his hands together and began, "Well me and Coach were talking and she was telling me that she kinda wanted to elevate the dolls in a way and rebrand you guys a little bit. So, a lot of you have been dancing forever and are very good, where I come in is I'm gonna be using my skills/training to help y'all become more technical. I'm teaching y'all how to walk again, but in a different direction if that makes sense." I look around and there's nods of agreement floating around.

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