One Call That's All

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Sunday Evening

Good Evening Athletes & Family,

On behalf of North Arabia High School, athletic and student life departments, we offer our deepest and most sincere apologies for the catastrophic incident that took place on Friday. As you know several of our very own athletes were injured and/or harmed in the racially violent outbreak initiated by Cedar Grove High School students and fans. We take full responsibility for the hostile and inhumane treatment that your students were subjected to that fateful night. As Guardians, you are entrusting us with the safety of them and we are hopeful we have not lost in based on the recent tragedy. Nalen Brown, a senior, strong-safety varsity player was shot twice by Cedar Grove police as he defended himself and others from the attacks of white counterparts. He is currently hospitalized and stable. North Arabia is keeping family and friends in our prayers so that this too shall pass. Investigation for justice has begun effective immediately.

Due to the traumatic circumstances, the athletic department has obtained one week of excused absence for its student-athletes. Students will require clearance from school counseling to continue participation in the fall season.

Warm regards,

Principal Teon Ballard

Calvin Davis Head Football Coach

Kenneth Whitlock Director of bands

It had been two days since that night and I knew there'd be some sort of newsletter or update coming out eventually. The family and friends of the entire student body were lighting up North Arabia and Davis on Facebook about how careless they were with us. They weren't left with a choice in the matter to clear things up. I'm certain they knew they had to fix it. It was probably difficult trying to find the words to say to make it alright. But that's the thing, it's never gonna be alright.

When I got home that night, my parents were raging at the jeopardy of my safety. When I explained it all from my experience I'd left out the part about me running into the woods with a boy. I didn't know if Daddy would let me set foot off of this lawn after finding out. My question is, is he not seeing the bigger picture here? Since then, they haven't left me alone. "Are you hungry?" "You sure you don't need to go to hospital?" "Baby, you should lie down." Over and over like I'm losing my mind. I can't blame them for worrying about me, but it's getting a little overwhelming. Maybe I just don't understand how big a deal it is because I'm not a parent. Yeah, that's gotta be it. They were waiting around for updates and Mama so happened to get this email when she, Daddy, and I were in the kitchen.

"Well, it's about damn time they let us know something," Mama complained. "I need to text Wendy."

Daddy held his serious look on his face. He didn't like this at all. "I woulda been up there first thing Monday morning if they didn't. This some bullshit here mane."

Mama folded her arms. "I just don't know why they would take y'all in the middle of nowhere like that. Unacceptable."

"Mane, them niggas knew better than that shit." All Daddy was doing these past two days has been shaking his head, upset.

"Jabari told me the reason Davis brought us is because he's friends with the head coach," I said.

Daddy scoffed, "And he thought friendship was gone cut some racist bullshit out the picture?! He better wake the fuck up or I'll do it for em'."

Geez, don't shoot the messenger.

"Topaz, relax, we're all pissed. Diamond is fine......I think. Right?" Mama looked at me trying to be sure.

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