Important Info

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Copyright © 2020 by Jerian Brown

All rights reserved.

A.K.A. Do not steal my shit I will hunt you down and personally cuss you tf out. So, if this book starts to gain reads, I ask of all of my loyal readers to keep an eye out for any material that sounds similar or exactly the same. I'd really appreciate it if you would kindly direct them to me:)


Includes: profanity, derogatory language, sexual themes, abusive content

Disclaimer: This is my first piece that I'm attempting to write and share after 5 years in the Wattpad world lmao. I just felt like all this time I was reading I would get so mad at the authors cuz I couldn't control where the story went, but then I realized..I can just write my own duh! Now I'm about to start my writing process and I've done a little bit of brainstorming. Writer's block is inevitable I'll let y'all know that NOW, so just work with me as I go, okay?

Most of the locations are made up, some are real just for better effect.

Ummm...if there's typos, you can lmk if you want..another thing message me if you think you can help me improve the structure or even thicken the plot🌚

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