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"Congratulations to Brandy, Diamond, Travia, Jordyn, Mira, Nakoia, Daphne, CoCo, Nyvia, Camille, and Kameron on making cuts for this week's game," Taylor started up a small round of applause. We clapped in joy that we made it another week. It's starting to get easier if I do say so myself.

"Also, we are wishing Alorie a speedy recovering with her injury and Brittany will not be there on Friday."

"Where you gone be at?" one of the girls asked Brittany. "It's my sister's birthday trip this weekend, I'm going to New York," she made a pouty face.

"Girl don't look sad, you going to NEW YORK. Get outta this podunk town and have some fun," Heiress lifted her up.

"I know, but like..I wanted to dance."

"You ain't missing nothing this weekend," Jordyn reassured her.

"Oh shit...I forgot to tell y'all something," Taylor interrupted the conversation. We perked up at the sound of her guilty sounding voice. Oh lord what is it?

"Unfortunately, I will not be there on Friday either...." she broke the news.

"Girl what???? Huh??? Stop playing???" were just about all the questions that were shouted at once toward her. I'm with em. What do you mean you won't be here???

"Don't kill me y'all. I have a conference in Memphis that falls on the next morning," she announced in regret. "Meaning I have to leave that Friday evening to get there on time."

"AWWWWWWWW," the bunch moaned in unison. "Hey! Don't fret though. You will be just fine. Jabari, Williams, and Bodae will be running the ship. Everything will go smoothly like always."

"You better hope so. Things are bound to wrong with those three at each other's throats," Heiress raised her eyebrows.

"Well Ms. Captain, I expect that you do your best to make sure they don't," Taylor smized.

She waved her off and went to pick up her things. The rest of us did the same seeing that it was the end of practice. We adjourned early today because Jabari was not here to show the rest of his and Heiress' routine. He said he would be here, but clearly that was a story? He got swooped up into football practice apparently.

While me and Brandy were talking, Heiress spoke. "I'm starving, who tryna go to Agua Linda? I been craving enchiladas so bad."

"Say no more, I'm hungry as hell!" Daphne was the first one out the door. A couple other girls were on board with her.

Assuming she was talking mainly to her crab sisters, we went on to text our rides like we always do.

"Hey, do y'all wanna eat with us?" Heiress extended the invite.

Brandy and I turned around, a little surprised we were asked to go out to eat with them. Yes, we were one team, but we were still crabs. We didn't know all the girls like that. Mira is already in her junior year and CoCo was well known because of her daddy. That left only me and Brandy as the real newbies here. I looked at Brandy to see if she was cool with it and she nodded. "Uh sure..why not?" I accepted.

"Cool. Come on and ride with me," she led us outside the gym. 

She strutted into the parking lot, unlocking her car with a cute honk. It was a silver Honda Accord, 2007 maybe? I could be wrong. 

"Y'all climb in, it's hot as fuck out here," she fanned herself. The two of us got in the car that could cook an entire Sunday dinner on the dashboard. The air was thick and hot inside. Thank god she had velvet seats and not leather. Our skin would've melted onto them like candy if she did. "Excuse the mess, I told my daddy to clean this damn car out," she cursed, throwing different objects and pieces of mail out of our way in hopes of making it look cleaner. Chile, we weren't even studdin the state of the car, this heat is the only thing happening right now. Once she got the air blasting it was alright. I'm just glad the car works honestly.

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