The Interview

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9:50 a.m.

•New! From: The PawPrint Media Group

Hello Diamond,

My name is Erica Lovecraft and I am the junior editor in chief for the PawPrint, our school's award winning media group. As you know, the band is one of our proudest organizations and every year we interview members about their experience. I would like to interview you this year, a new member of the Arabian Dolls, this afternoon, with another guest if that is okay? I think your talents should be talked about and featured in our 2020-2021 edition of the PawPrint. Thank you and I hope to see you in the library after school.

Have a great day!


I had finished a short vocabulary quiz and scrolled through my phone when I got this email. Wait a minute. You want to interview little ole me? Of all the other upperclassman girls on the team? They fully have the dance style down packed and way more experience than I do. And they chose me?!? I mean I'm flattered, but I still have so much learning about this team to do. What makes it even worse is that I have only until the end of the day to decide whether to go through with it or not.

No pressure. Sure.

What would I even say? Probably something really dumb and irrational. Oh my god, what if I just ran out on camera. And leave her with the guest?? Speaking of....who is the guest? Honestly, who cares, I'm trying to get my own shit together.

Brandy and Jabari were still working while I had my mini reflection. I waited til they were done and immediately flashed the email as soon as they put their pencils down.

"Y'all look at this!" I hyper tapped the screen.

"Woah horsey, I think you put too much sugar in your cornflakes this morning," Jabari furrowed his brows. "That's what I'm thinking," Brandy did the same.

"Ugh, shut up and read the email," I shoved it to him first. He skimmed through it and looked happy about the contents, handing it to Brandy.

"Aww sookie sookie now, they wanna interview you twin! That's dope," Brandy smiled.

"What?! No. I mean it is, but like this is weird and random."

"How come?" she asked.

"I don't know, I'm not normally picked for stuff like this. Out there...for everyone to see...the whole school...." my tone became more paranoid with every word.

"I mean..." Jabari rubbed his chin, "You didn't see this coming Diamond? You're already 'out there' for the whole city to see."

"Hell no I didn't."

"Why not girl?" Brandy nudged me.

"Uhhhh because I stay in the background and that's how I like it," I nodded.

She sighed, "Just cuz you like it there doesn't mean that's where you're gonna stay booke."

"Yeah, what she said. You can't be the ace of this team and 'be in the background' D. Getting down in a sequin uniform under stadium lights isn't ignored. Ever."

Dammit he's right. But it's still not my fault I was blindsided with an impromptu interview. I wasn't prepared to talk to a camera today or any other day in fact. Shit I could've put on a cuter outfit than this...

"I think I know what about you might've sparked em." Jabari now whipped out his phone, to show me something I guess. "Check this out shawty," he said with a smirk.

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