Lovers & Friends

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Heiress Ford
Wednesday Evening

"Mm," I moaned.

Damien gripped the nape of my neck firmly, but gently. "Be quiet, how many times I gotta tell you?" he asked in my ear.

"I'm trying," I whined doing my best to hold back the rest of them.

"Ian complaining, but you know you don't want yo Mama comin' n banging on the door."

My volume increased while he pursued motion between my legs even faster. I don't see how he's asking me to avoid something he's causing. A scream halfway escaped my lips, but he sealed them shut with his hand which was about the size of my face.

"What I just say?" he retorted.

Of course, I couldn't answer because my mouth was covered. For good reason. Honestly, I'd rather not make a peep, that included words. It was already hard enough to form them and stay on top of him at once. I guess he just has that effect on me. He kept his hand there and the other arm around my waist while he slid in and out of me. I could tell how badly he didn't wanna be bothered---by my Mama----encouraged him to keep me in check. I didn't mind letting him take control of me when we fucked. Especially if it was gonna keep me outta trouble in this house anyway. I climaxed way before he did and couldn't stop the longer he went on. He handled me dangerously when he reached that point like he always had. The way he groaned and clutched me scared the hell outta me the very first time, but over time, I understood that I made him feel good. And that made me feel good.

Our foreheads touched as we panted in exhaustion. Damien is always a lot to handle when we have sex. The work he put in outweighed mine and somehow I'm always breathing the hardest. It just always happens that way I guess. I tried getting up, but he insisted on kissing my lips off my face. I convinced him he needed to quit eventually and climbed down from him. I sat at my vanity on the side of my bed. I watched him pull his shorts over those big thighs. For some reason, I found it attractive and it made me crack a smile in the mirror. He could be standing there and I'd blush. That's how I always thought it's supposed to be with somebody you love. The feeling had never gone away. No matter what the circumstances were.

He sat up against my headboard, watching me brush the hair he'd just tangled up. I caught him and his gaze went elsewhere.

"What?" I smiled.

He shrugged, "Nothin'. Just looking at the picture on your wall. When you put that up?" I couldn't tell if he was displeased by it.

I looked above my mirror at my corkboard. I was working on putting all the pictures from my captain year so far on it. Just so I could have the memories. I wasn't gonna put me and Damien's photo up there because I thought it would upset him, but then I thought...I don't care it's my room. He doesn't like taking pictures and such for others to see. It annoys me that he doesn't. I don't see the harm in it. It's no different than kissing and grabbing on me in front of everybody--when he wanted.

"Yesterday. I almost forgot I made you take it," I said. "It's cute isn't it?"

I looked back at him wondering if he agreed, but he just licked his lips in hesitation.

"...Yeah," he sighed, looking away.

The smile curled up on my face faded slowly at the dryness of his demeanor. I turned back around on my stool fast. I wasn't about to let him ruin my mood. I brushed my hair a little more aggressively. I didn't expect him to notice because he never did. I quietly mumbled to myself about his bullshit attitude, but the silence was killing me.

"It's a good thing you didn't have practice today. It wasn't no way I was letting you hit smelling like outside," I said. Trying to start a conversation. The aftermath always felt awkward to me and I didn't understand why. I just shake it off.

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