Getting Adjusted

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It only took forever for Mama to be satisfied with our pictures. We spent at least twenty minutes on the porch snapping our lives away. At a point she started to turn nice-nasty and spewed as many black-mother-threats as appropriate, mostly towards Lapis because she said she was doing too much. Of course that got her together, enough to make us other three continue to deal. That's what happens when she is left around her older brother and sisters. That mouth is getting early training in certified smart-ass. She doesn't say much for a six year old, but when she does, prepare to gird your loins...she will completely destroy you once she gets the chance, a little shark that can smell blood in the water. Little kids will call it like they see it and LaLa is the epitome of read-for-filth, until after Mama or Daddy has to put her in check. An intellectual I like to say.

However, there's no way I can blame her, Mama was acting like we're going on the cover of a fucking magazine. It's not that damn serious. "Ya'll gone want these memories one day," she'd say. Yeah, right. If she could make us stand there longer she would, but for time's sake, she wrapped it up in misery.

The little ones drove off with Daddy and we hopped in Mama's Charger. Man, we're really officially in high school. I can't describe the feeling, but I'm not nervous. Anxious? Sure, that works. The drive to the school was nothing short of LIT. Jabari insisted that we have a pre-turn up before getting split up "forever," he kept on saying being the drama king he is. We had first lunch and lit together, nothing else. I'm not sweating it though, me and him haven't been in school together since elementary days. I transferred to a different middle school to be closer to CEDC, (the dance company).

So to speak, I'm used to him not being there. That sounded depressing, but you get it. At least we're even in the same building at all. It's not like I won't see him at practice and such anyway.

We sang and rapped our hearts out all the way there, you know, got the blood pumping before we succumbed to our fates just behind the doors. I know for a fact he's thinking with a slate a lot cleaner than mine....I think. It's not that I'm not happy, I just know that my slate isn't anywhere near clean. I'm ready, but I'm not. Then again, I don't have a choice. My journey started when I was mauled by a wild animal, who I hope not to cross paths with.

We parted with Mama who left us with an, "I love you both." We trickled in with the rest of the continuous lot from carpool. Once we hit the doors of the main floor, I immediately gawked at the slew of students buzzing about, almost like a kingdom of ants. Conversations of summer break and others of that sort, I'm sure, bounced off the tall, spirit adorned walls. The echos of all the voices made it hard to concentrate on where the hell I was supposed to be going. I looked to my right to find Jabari gone. Really Nigga?! There's no telling where he went. I took one last glance at the sea of people before attempting to surf my way through.

I really hope no one is noticing how frantically I'm trying to get to the first class before the bell.

Today will be a struggle.


1   Biology 1 adv. ___392__8:20-9-15
2   Physical Ed. ___0115__9:15-10-15
3   A. Geometry ___379_ 10:20-11:15
4   American Gov. __363__11:20-12:50
5   9th Lit adv. ____124__12:55-1:55
6   Art 1 ___221-321___2:00-3:15

My schedule resembled most freshmen's. Third floor was called freshman academy, all of our core classes were there. Apparently it was designed to keep us together until we got comfortable moving to other parts of the school in the next school year. Thankfully it is helpful in being able to tell who is in my grade or not.

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