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I quickly turn away, flustered until I hear Renjun bust through the door.

"It's time." He states.

Everyone jumps up and gets into their designated positions.

I run to stand by the door, preparing to open it and escort Yunhee to her seat.

Jeno and Haechan jump onto the stage, handing Renjun a jacket and fixing the rest of his outfit. They then take a couple steps back on either side of him, getting in place to be his back up vocals. Jaemin grabs the basket of gifts to hand to Yunhee when the performance is over.

Yunhee slowly and cautiously walks into the theater, giving me a confused look as I take her hand and lead her to a seat in the front row.

I then point her to the stage and run to the back of room, flipping a switch to turn the lights on.

The stage brightens and Renjun nervously approaches the microphone.

He clears his throat and immediately begins singing.

He sings Drippin- (JK 🤡) he sings an acoustic guitar version of From Home by NCT U.

The by the time the song ends, Yunhee eyes started watering.

"Yunhee... I- I really, really like you. And I didn't know how to tell you because I thought you might think I'm weird, and your SO cool. I thought there'd be better guys out there for you, and now I'm just rambling, I-"

"I like you too Huang Renjun!" Yunhee shouts, a huge smile spreading across her face.

"I know you- wait what?"

Yunhee stands up and hoist herself onto the stage, immediately pulling Renjun into a hug once she does.

"I like you too." She mumbles.

Hyuck and Jeno cheer as Jaemin hands Renjun the gifts to give to Yunhee.

I also run up on the stage to celebrate with everyone else, Donghyuck pulling me into a hug.

Jaemin and Jeno abruptly stop and glare at us.

Yunhee notices and loudly clears her throat.

"Sooo, what now?" She ask.

"Now you two can get married and have babies." Jaemin exclaims.

Renjun and Yunhee blush and try to immediately change the subject.

"I think they should start with a date first." I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess." Jaemin shrugs.

"Yay! We've got our first friend group couple, who's next?" Donghyuck says with a smirk, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Pucker up Hyuck, you and me." Jaemin winks making kissy faces at Donghyuck.

"Ew, no! Get away from me!" Hyuck screams while running in circles, trying to escape the Jaemin chasing him.

Jeno shakes his head, chuckling before turning around to looking at me.

"Well, I guess that just leaves us." He states.

"Yeah, just us... " I murmur, looking down at my feet.

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