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"We're here." Haechan announces. "Follow me."

The apartment complex was constructed in a way that had two buildings next to each other in the shape of an L. One of the buildings had five floors, and the other only had four so that the parking lot could extend under it.

 One of the buildings had five floors, and the other only had four so that the parking lot could extend under it

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"Nice place." I say.

"Wait til you see the inside." He smirks.

We step inside and find a staircase that leads up to the 3rd floor in the left structure.

He punches in his lock-code and we enter the apartment.

"Hello Donghyuck! Welcome home-"

"It's Haechan!" He yells to a woman standing in the kitchen. She was facing opposite of us, cutting up a couple of different vegetables. 

"Don't you "it's Haechan" me, I named you! Don't make me beat your-" She turns towards me and Haechan and lets out a gasp, "You brought a girl!"

His mom aggressively waves at me with a big smile.

"Hello Mrs. My names Mi-sun." I greet, bowing to her.

"Mi-sun? Like, Donghyuck's ex-best friend Mi-sun? The one he used have a cru-"

Before Mrs. Lee could finish, Haechan grabs Mi-sun's hand and drags her to his room.

"We'll be studying!" He shouts, slamming the door.

I didn't hear everything Mrs. Lee said but I did hear three words. Ex-best friend.

I knew it, it is him! So how come he never wants to talk about it?

"You can sit, wherever, just let me find the assignment." He mumbles while digging through his bookbag. I just stay in my spot in front of his door, tugging at the hem of my skirt.

He looks up at me from his bag. "What are you doing, get comfortable. It's not like you haven't been in my room before... " He whispers the last sentence.

It reminded me of when we were 8 years old. Almost every single day we would hang out in his room after coming in from hours of playing outside.

I sigh, how could he say something like that when he obviously wanted nothing to do with our past.

"Sorry Haechan, I have to go. Maybe we can do this another day." I grab my bag and rush out the door as fast as I could.

"Mi-sun, wait!" She leaves and Haechan runs his hands through his hair. "I shouldn't have said that, I don't want her to remember... "

Haechan changes his clothes and makes his way towards the front door.

"And where do you think you're going?" His mom ask the second he turns the door handle.

"I'm just going to grab some coffee, love you mom."

Haechan walked downtown to a random coffee shop. He approaches the counter to see the cashier turned around organizing some cups. Haechan just tells his order, hoping to gain their attention.

"Hey can I get a small macchi- you!"

The cashier turns around and glares at Haechan.

"What are you doing here?" He chides.

"Just trying to order some coffee Jaemin."

Just then, Jeno comes out of the back of the café, curious about his missing item. "Hey Jaemin, do you know where my- Haechan?"

All the boys glare at one another until they hear a small ringing. It came from the bell that hangs over the front door, ringing to notifying a customer has entered.

"Hello welcome to café- Renjun?" Jaemin questions looking at the boy in glasses who'd just entered the store.

He looks up from the book in his hands, a surprised expression.

"What are you guys doing here?" Renjun quietly ask.

"I work here." Jaemin replies.

"I'm here with a friend." Jeno says, smiling at Jaemin.

"I, was just leaving." Haechan remarks, walking towards the door.

Jaemin places down the cups in his hands, and steps from behind the counter, trying to stop Haechan from leaving. "Wait!"

Everyone stops and turns to look at him.

"See you at school!" He smiles.

Renjun and Haechan roll their eyes and exit the café.

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