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Renjun gentle grabs my hand and walks us outside to the parking lot.

He hands me a sugar cookie with white frosting decorated to look like a snowman.

"I thought you might want some fresh air." He says.

"You guys are always fighting, why?" I plead.

"That... I can't tell you yet."

I sigh and let my head fall as I look down at my feet.

"We're still best friends. Arguing is just kinda, what we do at this point." Renjun chuckles.

"I g-guess... " I state, stuttering because of the cold. Renjun notices and removes his blazer.

"Uh, here." He holds out his jacket while looking opposite of where I was.

I giggle and take the blazer, draping it over my shoulders.

"Thanks for the breather, and the cookie! Let's go back inside." I insist.

Me and Renjun walk back in, using the side entrance instead of the front this time.

Once we do, everyone stares at us, chatter breaking out between the partygoers.

"Is there something on my face?" Renjun questions, touching his chin with a confused look.

"OOOOOOH!" Our manager yells.

"Huh?" Renjun ask. I glance to Yunhee and she gestures for me to look up. I slowly lift my head, gasping and slightly tugging on Renjun's sleeve.

He sees my expression, follows my eyes upwards, and finally notices what everyone else was freaking out about.

"NO! MI-SUN! Please. Don't. Do it!" Hyuck yells.

Renjun and I had found ourselves under the mistletoe.

Renjun looks back down towards me, a blush spreading across his face.

"You have to kiss! Unless you're Christmas haters! Are you Christmas haters?" Our manager teases.

"Renjun... " I let out.

"W- We, uh, you don't h-have to... " He stammers.

I take a second to think about it. I mean, it is part of the holiday season, and all eyes were on us right now. Not to mention Renjun's a good friend of mine so one kiss wouldn't mean anything, right?

"J- Just one, quick kiss?"

Jaemin gasp, and faints into Hyuck's arms.

Yunhee face was blank. No show of excitement, nor sadness, just nothing.

"Mi-sun, I-"

"Hurry it up!" The Manager shouts, interrupting Renjun.

"Renjun, let's just do it." I blurt.

"W- What?!" He exclaims.

"Hurry!" Screams a random person.

"Don't do it!" Yells another.

"What's happening!"


"Where's my pizza!"

"Just kiss!"

Throughout all the outburst he stares at her lips, trying everything in his power to hold back, until he couldn't anymore.

"C- Can I?"

I nod my head slowly and he pulls me in.

(Idk how to write non cringey kiss scenes, but here we go)

The room grew silent as Renjun's heart skipped a beat. His stomach was turning as the long awaited moment had finally come.

Mi-sun lets out a shaky breath that she didn't even know she was holding in.

The gap between their faces was closed by Renjun who couldn't restrain himself any longer, greediness and excitement filling his body.

The way his lips pressed against hers could only be described as tender, Renjun melting into the sweet taste of Mi-sun's lip balm.

The restaurant was dead silent, but neither of them cared. They were too deep into the cherishment of each other.

The kiss, that only last for about 3 seconds, had broke and Mi-sun took a step back.

"I- I gotta go. See you at school tomorrow!" I yell, sprinting past Renjun. I grab Yunhee's hand, her face still blank, and run outside, calling my mom to come pick us up.

Hyuck slowly drags the paralyzed Jaemin to where Renjun is standing, Renjun still frozen in shock himself.

"Did you just, did she just- ?" Hyuck tries to get out.

"I- I don't know... " Renjun drifts off.

Jaemin finally wakes up from his faint state and assesses the situation.

"Wait, where am I- did you just kiss Mi-sun!?" Jaemin exclaim. He jumps up, clawing his hands towards Renjun as Donghyuck holds him back by his collar.

"It- It was just a mistletoe kiss... it didn't mean anything... " Hyuck mumbles, glaring at Renjun for a second and then turning towards the exit. "Come on, I'll drive you home. But only if we can call Jeno in the car and listen to him freak out over this."

Renjun and Jaemin smile, Hyuck chuckling a bit as they all leave party.

Author: 😳

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