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Donghyuck runs up to Renjun's locker, sliding the heart covered envelope inside

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Donghyuck runs up to Renjun's locker, sliding the heart covered envelope inside.

Across the hall from him stood me and Yunhee. We were on look out duty to make sure Renjun didn't come up out of no where.

Upon telling Yunhee about the secret admirer idea, I told her to pour out all her feelings into a note. That way she could confess without all the nervous stuttering.

"So what exactly did you write anyway?" I ask.

She puts her hand to her chin and thinks.

"Something along the lines of, 'Sup bro, you're cool... I guess.'" She shrugs, causing, me to face palm.

"Ugh, I knew I should've checked before we put it in his locker."

"Why? What's wrong with what I wrote?"

"You kind of forgot the whole, romantic part." Hyuck responds, slowly walking up us.

"I don't care about all this love-dovey stuff!" Yunhee groans. "I just want to like, date him, you know?"

"Know what?" Renjun questions, walking up to his locker. The three of us freeze.

"Don't open that!" I shout as Renjun begins to mess with his lock code.

"Why not?"

Yunhee sighs. "I'll get my crowbar."

Renjun shakes off his confusion and turns back to undo his code.

"Wait! Renjun, Jeno needs our help! We got to go now!" Hyuck screams, grabbing Renjun's arm and running in the opposite direction that Yunhee went.

Renjun follows along, no longer questioning his friends weird antics. Donghyuck turns back to give me a thumbs up.

I roll my eyes and spot Yunhee jogging down the hall with a crowbar in her hands.

"Where did you get that!?"

"I have my ways. Now LET ME AT IT!" She charges forward.

"Calm down feisty, we could just ask a teacher to use their locker key." I explain, holding her upper arm to stop her from running at Renjun's locker.

"Oh, yeah." She says, throwing the crowbar over her shoulder, causing it to make a loud sound as it hits the ground. It draws the attention of a few people making them glance at us and whisper.

"Sorry." I quickly mumble out.

"Mind your own business!" Yunhee barks, making faces back at everyone who looked at us.

A group of three boys were pointing at Yunhee and making fun of her outburst.

"You think that's funny, huh? Well you won't find it funny," She bends down to pick up the crowbar. "When this bar, is half way, UP YOUR-" And with that she takes off running down the hall after the group of boys.

"Babe no! You can't get detention again or else my mom says you can't come over to my house anymore!" I shout running after her.

"Jeno is everything okay?" Renjun ask, him and Donghyuck entering the empty classroom that Jaemin and Jeno currently occupied.

"Yeah? I'm a little hungry, but other than that, fine." Jeno replies.

Renjun slowly turns his head, glaring at Hyuck as Hyuck flashes him a smile.

Renjun rolls his eyes and takes seat in a chair, opposed to the others who were all sitting on top of desk.

"So, Renjun, now that Mi-sun's rejected you, your basically out of running?" Hyuck ask with a little more enthusiasm than he should've.

Renjun sighs, looking at the wall to avoid all eye contact with his friends.

"And then there were three." Jaemin smirks.

"Guys, I don't even think Mi-sun likes me as a friend." Jeno lets out, a sad look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, that's cool or whatever." Hyuck blows him off. "So Jaemin, do you think Mi-sun would like it if I... "

Their words fade into the background as Jeno stares down at his feet.

Why didn't Mi-sun like him? Why did the others just ignore him? What was he doing wrong... ?

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