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"Mi-sun, Renjun, I'm so excited to announce the Christmas party we'll be throwing tomorrow night!"

Me and Renjun are currently working a shift at the pizzeria when our manager comes out informs on tomorrow's celebration.

"Christmas party?" Renjun ask, wiping down the counter.

"Yeah! This restaurant throws a huge party every year December 19th. There's going to be cheaper pizza, Christmas goodies, mistletoe, a GIANT tree, lights-"

"MISTLETOE?" Me and Renjun shout out at the same time.
(Mistletoe is a American Christmas tradition where you hang a small berry plant somewhere on the roof, and if you and another person are standing under it at the same time, you have to kiss)

(Mistletoe is a American Christmas tradition where you hang a small berry plant somewhere on the roof, and if you and another person are standing under it at the same time, you have to kiss)

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"Yup, I thought I'd be a big part of the Christmas love and joy." Our manager ends, skipping away.

Me and Renjun accidently meet eyes, both of us quickly looking away.

"Uh... this sounds like a lot of fun." I let out.

"Yeah... " Renjun scratches the back of his head.

"We should invite the group!"

"Oh, yeah... that'' be, great." Renjun gives a small smile.

"Yay! I'll text Yunhee right away." And with that we continue our work.

The next day comes, and me and Renjun wait until lunch to tell the boys about the party.

"Guys, I have something exciting to tell you." I say. "Wait, where's Jeno?"

"I'm pretty sure he's at home sick today. He like, ran out into the rain to save a cat or something? Something stupid like that and he caught a cold." Haechan explains.

"Aww," I coo.

"Yeah, what a loser- hey!" Hyuck shouts as Jaemin hits his arm.

"What were you saying Sunnie?" Jaemin ask.

"Our work place is throwing a Christmas party!" I share. "Oh, and you're all invited! Doors open at 7 p.m. (19:00) tonight."

"Sounds fun!" Jaemin agrees.

"I'll be there." Yunhee and Hyuck respond at the same time. They both stop and glare at one another.

"Great! I have to go in early to decorate but I'll still see you there!" I shout in excitement.

Once again, later arrives and me, Renjun, and Yunhee are at the pizzeria, about to open the doors

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Once again, later arrives and me, Renjun, and Yunhee are at the pizzeria, about to open the doors.

Yunhee came early to help set up too. She was wearing a beautiful white, winter-like dress.

Renjun was wearing a suit that somewhat resembled an elf's costume.

And finally, I was wearing a Santa themed dress.

"Alright kiddos, make this the best party ever, open those doors!" Manager yells.

We push them open, and all the people who were waiting outside start piling in. Some sit down and order their food while others walk around enjoying the music and decorations.

I make my way away from Renjun and Yunhee to greet Haechan and Jaemin who've just walked in.

"Hi boys, Merry early Christmas!" I chirp. I analyze their Christmas sweaters, assuming they didn't get the memo to dress formal, but none the less they still looked cute.

"Wow Sunnie, the place looks great... you look great." Jaemin breathes out.

Haechan clears his throat and I turn my attention towards him. 

"Hey Sunflower, remember when we were younger and that one Christmas we-"

"Blah, blah, blah, we get it! You two were childhood friends. Do you talk about anything else? How about the time you ignored her at school for months or wh-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Casanova! You think you're so special because you flirted with Mi-sun on the first day of school, like you do every. Other. GIRL!"

As the boys argument becomes louder, I grow more and more anxious with every second. I start breathing heavily until I felt and soft hand placed on my shoulder.

I turn around to meet eyes with Renjun.

"Is everything alright? Here, follow me."

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