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The school day ends and our friend group meets up somewhere near the parking lot.

"So friends, what adventures are we going on today?" Hyuck grins.

"Well, the city's Theme Park opened last week, maybe we should go there?" Yunhee offers.

"I'm down." Renjun says. Yunhee slowly turns her head towards him, a huge smile on her face.

Renjun cringes his shoulders and shudders, the feeling of being watched overtaking him. He whips his head side to side, meeting eyes with Yunhee. She immediately looks away and he shrugs it off goes back to having a nonchalant expression.

Jaemin glimpses back and forth between the two.

"Okay... that was weird, but anyways, I'll only go if we can ride the bumper cars!" Jaemin exclaims.

"Well, it's settled then, let's go!" I beam and walk in front everyone else, leading the group forward.

We walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for the transportation to come.

"We probably should've stopped at our houses to get some money." Jeno chuckles.

"Don't worry, I got this." Donghyuck reassures. The bus pulls up and the doors open. Hyuck pulls out 5,598 won (5 USD), "6 tickets please."

The bus driver gives him a puzzled look, lifting up one eyebrow.

"Okay, where's the other 61,584? (55 USD)" The driver ask.

"Uh.. you see," Hyuck laughs. "RUN!!!"

We all take off down the sidewalk, running in the direction of Donghyuck's apartment.

When get up to his place, we remove our shoes as he types in the pass code.

"Hi mom!" Hyuck shouts, opening the door.

"Mi-sun!" She cheers.

"Wait, what?" He says as his mother walks past him.

She opens her arms and runs up to me.

"Mom, how could you?" Hyuck cries.

I laugh and return her hug.

The two of us talk for a bit while the others place their bookbags down and take bathroom breaks.

"And make sure you eat all 3 meals, OH and also take breaks for yourself every once in awhile." She informs me. I nod my head let her know I will. Then, Hyuck walks up,

"Moooom, can we pweety pwease borrow some muney for the Thweme Park?"

She sighs. "Only because Mi-sun is here." She replies flashing me a smile.

His mom hands him the money and we all prepared to leave.

As we're walking out the door, she says one last thing.


"Yes ma'am?" He smiles widely.

"Get a job."

Hyuck's head drops and hurries out the door.

"I like your mom." Renjun laughs.

"Yeah, me too..." He responds in between sniffs.

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