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"You did what!?"Jeno fumes, taking a step closer to Renjun. The boys are gathered by Renjun's locker while Jeno confronts him over what happened the day prior.

"Jeno it doesn't matter, it didn't mean anything... " Donghyuck mutters. You could obvious tell he was annoyed over the whole situation, but he didn't want to be mad at Renjun. Hyuck has grown a soft spot for the smaller boy, he's grown a soft spot for all of them actually.

"It probably could've been your kiss if you weren't sick." Jaemin shrugs.

Jeno glares at all 3 of the boys with a serious expression on his face.

"How come none of you are mad about this? Didn't we all promise to-"

"It was mistletoe Jeno. I'm not happy about it either, especially considering I've know her the longest. I always thought I'd be her first kiss but-" Hyuck mumbles the last part.

"Wait, I- I was her first kiss?" Renjun ask, the redness of his face becoming more visible, only causing Jeno to get more angry.

"Most likely, but even though it should've been me, we shouldn't fight. Remember, bros before-"

"Have you guys seen Mi-sun?" Yunhee questions, walking up to group seemingly out of nowhere.

"She didn't walk with us to school this morning." Jaemin responds.

"Maybe check the library?" Renjun suggest.

"Oh, uh thanks, bye!" Yunhee smiles and hurries towards the library.

She enters to see Mi-sun sitting in a corner, hugging her knees to her chest. Yunhee slowly approaches her best friend.

"Sunnie, are you alright?"

"I don't know... I already like Jaemin and Hyuck... I- I can't like another." I sigh.

"I'm guessing you like Renjun now?"

"It's just, after that kiss... " I let out, stopping to look up at Yunhee only to see her rolling her eyes. "Is, is everything okay?"

"I'm so tired of this! You're constantly oblivious, it's kinda aggravating." Yunhee snaps, rubbing her temples. "Mi-sun, I know for a fact that they all have feelings for you."


"Yeah, and it really sucks that you don't notice, especially considering that I like Ren- dang it." Yunhee stops to look at me as I smirk up at her.

"You like Renjun!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, well, so do you." She huffs.

"No I don't. I'll admit, the party incident was... weird, and he's really sweet and all, but I can just focus on Hyuck and Jaemin, I want my best friend to be happy."


"Of course! I care about you way more than some guy." I assure. "You know, I never imagined you having a crush."

"Stoppp." She whines.

"No, you two would be so cute together! You'd be like, an opposite couple. The quiet nerdy boy and the loud athletic girl."

"Too bad he likes you... " Yunhee sighs.

"Well we don't know that for sure... I- I'll try talking to him about it, okay? Wait, you said they all like me?"

"I'm pretty sure. You can tell by the way they look at you, talk about you, fight over you... "

"S- So, Hyuck and Jaemin like me back?"

"And Jeno, the one you keep ignoring." Yunhee scolds.

I become speechless, but that didn't matter since all the boys suddenly bust into the library.

"Hey ladies." Hyuck sends a wink.

"Hey Donghyuck." We both say back while giggling.

I turn to look at Renjun and notice he was already staring at me.

"Renjun, can I speak with you... ?"

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