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"Are you sure you can't just go without me?" I plead.

"You have to come. I feel really nervous and a boy has never made me feel nervous before." Yunhee tries to persuades.

"Fiiine. But if things go well, I'm leaving after like, 30 minutes."

We were currently getting ready for her first date with Renjun. She begged me to come along because she claimed she was too nervous to go alone. I didn't want to 3rd wheel, but I thought maybe I could help them. Also, I knew I was getting free food out of this.

"Alright, how do I look?" Yunhee questions, twirling around.

"You look fi-" I lift my head up from my phone, fully taking in her outfit. "Woah... you look beautiful."

"Aww, thank you!"

"Do I really have to give you to Renjun? Or can I just keep you all for myself?"

Yunhee giggles and grabs my hand, pulling me up from my seat on her bed.

"Come on, Renjun is probably already waiting for us." She says.

Yunhee drives us to the location Renjun sent her, us ended up at an Art Museum. I wasn't too surprised he would pick this for a first date.

We park the car and get out, catching sight of Renjun.

He was standing to the right of the entrance, leaning against a wall while on his phone.

He wore a dark blue shirt to match his grey jean jacket and black jeans.

"That's hot." Yunhee breaths out.

I slap her arm, telling her to stop drooling and just cross the street already. 

"Hey." Yunhee greets as we approach him.

"Hey!" Renjun responds, a smile lighting up his face. He then turns his head to look at me. "Oh, you brought Mi-sun with you?"

"Yeah, I uh... her mom isn't home and I didn't want to leave her all by herself. You know how she gets." Yunhee lies, not wanting to admit the real reason. "We can ditch her about halfway through."

"I'm right here you know." I remark, rolling my eyes and walking forward.

We begin our slow stroll through the museum, admiring all the pieces that hung on the walls.

Everytime we'd enter a new place, Renjun and Yunhee would walk to one side of the room and I would go to the other, not wanting to be so close that I interrupt something

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Everytime we'd enter a new place, Renjun and Yunhee would walk to one side of the room and I would go to the other, not wanting to be so close that I interrupt something.

I stop looking at an piece of art and turn around to see the new couples arms hooked together, Yunhee resting her head on Renjun's shoulder.

I coo and take a picture, turning back before they spot me.

"Come on Mi-sun, we're going to get some food!" Yunhee shouts, gesturing me to join them.

"Coming!" I reply. I run up to them and stand on Yunhee's free side.

We continue forward into a long narrow hallway, the path thinning the deeper we go.

Yunhee and Renjun walk perfectly through, side by side, but as the hallway gets more narrow I'm forced trail behind, leaving me to walk alone.

"Are you kidding me!" I yell, standing in the middle of the hallway.

Both Yunhee and Renjun glance back at me, confused.

"Sorry... " I mumble, sprinting to catch up once again.

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