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We get back to the bus stop, enough money for tickets this time, and take our seats as we excitedly await arriving at the park.

"First we should ride a rollercoaster, then we move on to one of those spinning rides," Yunhee gasp. "After that, we can get something to eat while sitting around the fountain!"

"Someone's excited." Renjun chuckles looking back towards us, causing Yunhee to let out a high pitched giggle and snort.

Me, Hyuck, and Yunhee were sitting at the back of the bus, me and Hyuck by the windows with Yunhee in the middle.

Renjun and Jaemin sat together one seat in front of us, and Jeno sat across from them with a random old lady.

The bus reaches our stop and we all get off.

"Bumper cars, here I come!" Jaemin shouts. He closes his eyes and begins running, quickly realizing he isn't moving forward. He stops and turns around to see Jeno holding the hood of his jacket, stopping him from proceeding.

"We have to stick together so that no one gets lost. First we need to get our passes, then we can all ride something together." Jeno commands.

Jaemin sighs. "Fine."

We purchase our way into the park and walk forward in a single-file line.

Jeno leads with the park map in his hands, Jaemin and Donghyuck follow behind him smiling like little kids, Renjun was behind them looking down at his phone, and then there was me and Yunhee, Yunhee staring at Renjun as I looked around admiring the place.

The first stop was a big yellow rollercoaster. I stayed back to hold all of their phones and Renjun's glasses. I took a video of them going down the hill for Jeno and got excited when I realized Yunhee and Renjun were sitting next to each other.

 I took a video of them going down the hill for Jeno and got excited when I realized Yunhee and Renjun were sitting next to each other

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Once they get off I ruffle Jaemin's hair, which was blown every which way by the wind, and we continue on to the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Once they get off I ruffle Jaemin's hair, which was blown every which way by the wind, and we continue on to the Tilt-A-Whirl

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I sit in-between Nomin as the other 3 ride together in a different booth.

When that ride was over, Yunhee excitedly dances around and punches the air.

"Omg, that was so much fun! I almost threw up, my GOSH that was awesome!" She beams. I catch sight of Renjun looks towards her, smiling a little.

"Hyuck, our ship is sailing!" I whisper in his ear.

"Maybe we could go on a double date?" Hyuck smirks.

I get nervous but decide to just laugh it off.

"You're so funny." I hit his arm.

"Yeah, I was joking... "

We stop walking once we reach an area of food stands arranged in a round formation.

"Oh, I want a pretzel!" Yunhee choruses.

"H- Here, I'll buy it for you." Renjun steps up.

Hyuck and I turn around, fangirl a little, and then turn back.

"I think I'll get some popcorn." Jaemin says.

"I'll get the cotton candy!" Hyuck exclaims.

"Aw, there's only snacks here, I haven't had lunch yet." I frown.

"Uh, I'm sure we can find one of those Theme Park restaurants somewhere East of here." Jeno offers.

"Oh perfect, lead the way map boy!" I shout.

He chuckles and we begin walking.

"Mi-sun and I will be right back!" Jeno yells, but no hears. They were too focused on ordering their own food.

We find a restaurant and I order (what ever food and drink you want) while Jeno gets a hotdog and a coke.

"Mi-sun, look at this." Jeno grabs my attention and uses the mustard bottle to draw a smiley face onto his food.

I burst out laughing. "I really don't get why they say you're not funny!" I exclaim in between laughter.

What he did wasn't all that funny, though I just couldn't help but feel giddy when I was with him.

"Let's go back." He insist.

We walk back to the food stand circle, only to see no one there.

"Uh... where'd they go?" Jeno ask.

"I'm not sure, let me call Yunhee." I pat down my pockets only to realize. "Shoot, I left my phone in her purse."

"Don't worry, I'll just ca- and my phone is dead." He sighs.

"Oh no they're lost! Or are we lost?"

"We have the map."

"Oh... but they don't! We have to find them!"

"Mi-sun calm down." Jeno says placing his hands on my shoulders, making me face him.

I stop and stare into his eyes for what feels like hours.

"Didn't Yunhee say she wanted to eat by the fountain? Let's check there first." Jeno ends. I slowly nod my head as he releases me, giving he his healing eye smile.

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