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The next day arrives and Renjun stands outside of the gates, admiring the building that stood in front of him. He came to the school early that morning, wanting to be the first one in when the doors open.

He hears a soft yawn from behind him, turning around to meet eyes with a hooded figure.

"Haechan? Why are you here so early?" Renjun ask. Haechan lifts up his arm, causing Renjun to flinch. Haechan pauses and gives him a questioning look, slowly continuing his motion to put his arm around the smaller boys shoulders.

"You good?" Haechan ask. Renjun was about to reply, but Haechan cut him off. "Nevermind, I don't really care. You see, the reason I'm here is because I promised my parents I would come in early to study. But that's totally not happening so I'm just gonna hang out in the gymnasium. Why are you here so early?"

"To study... " Renjun mutters.

Haechan shakes his head and chuckles. "We're so different, aren't we?"

A small smile spreads onto Renjun's face. "Yes, yes we are."

Later that day, I walk into the cafeteria and sit next to my bestie, Yunhee.

The way our table is arranged is so me and Yunhee are sitting together on one side, and Jeno and Jaemin sit on the other. Leaving one open seat next to me, and another next to Jeno.

Haechan enters the cafeteria and we all watch as he walks up to the lunch line and orders his food

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Haechan enters the cafeteria and we all watch as he walks up to the lunch line and orders his food.

"Oh, here comes 'Mr. Cool Guy'." Yunhee scoffs.

"Come on, leave him alone." I laugh. We watch as he walks up to his usual lunch table with the popular kids, but then he suddenly stops and slowly turns around, walking towards us.

"What's he doing?" Jeno ponders.

Haechan approaches our table and points at the seat in-between mine and Jaemin's.

"Can I sit here?" He questions.

"H- Huh?" I let out.

"Haechan, what are you doing?" His friends from the other table shout. Haechan ignores them.

"I'll take that as a yes." Haechan shrugs and sits down.

"Hey Haechan!" Jaemin exclaims, the two boys exchange a handshake.

"Who is that, and what did he do to Haechan?" Yunhee whispers in my ear.

"Well, Renjun did say something about them hanging out the other day." I whisper back.

"And he was right, your nerdy friends are pretty cool." Haechan smiles. I stare at him for a second, his smile is really pretty, but I quickly snap out of it.

"Sorry about the other day, when I ran out on you." I apologize.

"Don't sweat it, you can always come over again today." He winks.

I become nervous and turn away from him, only to see Renjun standing behind me.

"Hi glasses!" Yunhee teases.

"H- Hey. Um, I noticed you guys have an empty chair left, can I sit there?" He ask. "My table is kinda mad at me for accidently spilling juice on all of their books."

I giggle, "Of course you can, take a seat." Once he sits down, I glance around at the table we've assembled. "Aw, I can't believe all of us are sitting together, and you guys aren't fighting!"

"Yeah, we're the new cool kids." Jeno says before putting his arms behind his head and leaning back.

"Yeah... 'cool'." Haechan ridicules. None the less, he still smiles. "Anywho... DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT OVERWATCH STREAM LAST NIGHT?"

"OH MY GOSH IT WAS CRAZY!" Jaemin shouts.

"Anddd I'm already over it." Yunhee sighs. I look at her and nod as we both begin to giggle.

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