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When I get home from school, I quickly make my way up to my room. I grab a random bag and fill it with all the stuff I want to bring with me to Haechan's house.

Once I finish packing I realize that I have to sneak out because there's absolutely no way my parents would let me sleepover at a boys house. Fortunately, my dad isn't home so I didn't have to sneak past him, but my mom on the other hand, is standing right next to the front door.

I try to secretly pass her but she immediately stops me. "Mi-sun, where do you think you're going?"

"Uhh... to Yunhee's house?"

"So you wouldn't mind me calling Yunhee's mom?" My mom ask, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, um, you see... " I stutter.

"Nice try, back to your room little one. Don't you have like 20 dramas to watch?" My mom points me in the direction of my room.

"Don't you have a husband to fight with... " I mumble to myself as I walk away.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" I shout, closing my door. Looks like I'm getting out the old fashion way.

I open my window and throw my bag to the grass in our front yard.

"Gosh, I already know this is gonna hurt." I say as I climb on the little roof ledge outside and prepare to jump. "Just jump. Come on. You can do it... "

I hesitate, but I push my fear to the side and jump down

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I hesitate, but I push my fear to the side and jump down. When I land, my legs feel a bit sore, but I proceed to grab my bag and jog to Haechan.

I get to the park to see him already there. I walk up to his car, open the door, and get in.

"What took so long?" Haechan quips.

"Just drive, this project won't finish its self!"

Haechan pulls up to the apartments. We both exit his car, make our way into the building, and up to his door.

When we enter the apartment, Haechan's mom pauses what ever show she was watching and turns to greet us.

"Hello Dong- or, erm," She stops herself, clearing her throat and looking down at the palm of her hand. "Hello Haechan, and random girl whom I've only met when HAECHAN brought you over last and not someone I've know since they were a child." Mrs. Lee says and looks up, smiling.

Haechan flashes his mom a thumbs up and grabs my hand, leading me to his room.

"You better keep that door open!" Mrs. Lee yells.

I giggle and take a seat on the ground, unzipping my bag to take out some supplies.

Two younger boys run into the room, shoving one another so that they could be closer to Haechan.

"Donghyuck hyung, can I play on your phone?" The younger of the two ask.

"Not right now, I need it for my project." Haechan tells the boy. Both boys pout and turn around, meeting eyes with me.

"Hey, you look a lot like our old friend, Mi-sun noona!" The older one states. Haechan's eyes go wide as he ushers the two boys out the room.

"We're busy right now, run along." Haechan says.

I wanted so badly to comment on the youngers actions, but if Haechan was going to play dumb, than I was too.

"Are those your younger brothers?" I ask.

"You don't remember?"

Author's Note: I should have said this earlier but 00' line are 18 (17 in international age) in this story and both Mi-sun and Yunhee are also 00' liners.

Hyuck's real life younger brothers are 02' and 07' liners making them 15 and 10 in this story. I also believe he has a twin sister.

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