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When I get to my table and sit back down, Yunhee points to the direction behind me, a nervous smile on her face.

I turn to see the popular table where Donghyuck sits, his butt on the table and a leg perked on the chair in front of him. He was seemingly glaring in the direction of Renjun, Renjun giving him a confused look back.

Donghyuck pushes himself up off the table and starts slowly walking towards the right side of the lunchroom.

My mind starts racing, what is he doing?

He stops walking when his feet are directly before mine. He bent over, since I was sitting down, and glared into my eyes.

"What are you doing here, Haechan?" Jaemin snarls, making both me and Donghyuck turn our heads to face him.

"Minding my business, you should try it sometime." Donghyuck snaps back. He turns to face me once again. "After school, my place, we need to start on our project."

I was taken aback. Go to his place? Not to mention I promised Renjun I'd spend time with him.

"I- I, uh..." I stutter.

"Sounds great, meet me by the gates when school gets out." Donghyuck ends. He gives me a small smile and stands up straight to walk away.

I just sit there, still at a loss from what just happened.

I look back towards Jeno and Jaemin to see them both glaring at Donghyuck. When I looked at Donghyuck he was glaring at Renjun, and when I looked a Renjun he was glaring at Jeno and Jaemin.

The whole cafeteria is filled with tension.

School ends and I stand by the gate, anticipating Donghyuck since he didn't really give me a chance to decline.

I hear footsteps and thinking it's him I turn around, only to see Renjun.

"Hey, uh, what ever happened us going to the library?" He ask, rubbing his arm.

"Renjun I'm sooo sorry. It's just, the project, it's a big grade and-"

"No, it's okay, I get it." Renjun looks down and quickly walks away.

"Renjun, wait!" I yell. I was about to chase after him but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ready to go?" A familiar voice ask. I glance around and Renjun is completely out of sight.

I sigh, "Yeah, let's go Hyuck."

"It's Haechan. Nobody calls me Donghyuck or whatever you just said." Dong- I mean Haechan says.

"Oh, sorry... " I reply, becoming sad. I used to call him Hyuck all the time when we were younger. Did he really complete forget about me? And why did he change his name?

There's no way I've got the wrong person, they have the exact same face.

Maybe when we go to his place his mom will remember me. Unless his parents aren't home.

He wouldn't invite me over if his parents weren't home, right?

My stomach tickles at the thought. 'Come on Mi-sun, don't think like that'.

"We're here."

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