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"Are you kidding me!" I shout.

"W- What do you mean... "

"Are we childhood friends or not? I'm so sick of playing your games!" I scream, letting out everything I've held in from him since day one. "If this really is you, Donghyuck, do you understand how much you meant to me back then? How are you just going to pretend-"

"I'm sorry." He quickly lets out, fear and sadness coating his eyes.

"You're sorry? Sorry!"

"I had to lie to you!"

"That makes no sense Hyuck." I weep, calming down a bit and becoming more sad than angry.

Mrs. Lee pokes her head into the room, scanning both of us up and down and then slowly leaves, closing the door.

"I- I had to lied because I don't want to hurt you again."

"You don't think this hurts?"

Haechan sighs.

"When we were younger, right after I came home from playing with you, I found out I was leaving for Seoul... and the thought that I had to tell you that... the look in your eyes after I did, the way you cried... I just assumed it'd be better to forget everything we had. I mean, we would spend every second together and having to walk away from that? I- I couldn't handle it." He rants. "When I first saw you at school, you don't know how much it took me not to run up hug you as tight as I could. But I figured if we didn't get close, then I couldn't lose you again... "

By this point, tears were streaming down my face and Haechan was sniffling a little.

He slowly makes his way over and pulls me into a hug.

He slowly makes his way over and pulls me into a hug

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(y'all, this is about to make my eyes sweat)

"I'm so sorry... "

"I forgive you, Hyuck."

We both pulls away and he clears his throat.

"So, about that project... " He trails.

"Oh! Yeah, let's start." I giggle, wiping the remaining tears from my face.

"I really missed you Sunflower." Donghyuck smiles.

"I missed you too Sunshine."

We work on our project for awhile, him making a PowerPoint while I draw some graphs on the poster board. After sometime, we take a break because his mom had us dinner.

While we eat, me and Mrs. Lee catch up.

"You've grown so well Sunflower!" Mrs. Lee says, using the nickname Hyuck, and basically his entire family had gave me.

"Thanks, you have as well Mrs. Lee." I respond.

"I know right, I still look so young." She flips her hair and we all laugh.

"So, Mi-sun, how have you been doing since moving to Seoul? Are you getting good grades, do you have a boyfriend yet?"

"Mom!" Hyuck whines.

"Oh, I see. You only have eyes for my Donghyuckie. You know, when you were little he had the biggest crush-"

"Okay, back to the project!" Donghyuck interrupts his mom, dragging me back to his room.

"Uh, I'm going to change into my night clothes, just to be more comfortable, I'll be right back." I say standing up and making my to the bathroom.

I close the door stand in front of the mirror, placing a hand over my heart. Did his mom just say he used to like me?

Did I used to like him?

Come on heart, calm down. You're just friends, friends who have a project to finish.

I walk back into the room and sit right next to Hyuck on his bed, our shoulder touching.

"Ah, why so close?" He ask.

"I have a question."

"Yes?" He drags out the work.

"What in the world is a Haechan?"

He chuckles. "Well as you know, you used to call me Hyuck all the time so when I moved to Seoul and told everyone my name was Donghyuck, they would call me Hyuck for short too. I got super mad, saying that only you could call me that, by my friends didn't listen. I just decided to change my name completely. Although, I only chose Haechan because it means "Full Sun", just like how you used to call me Sunshine, so that didn't help much."

"That's... stupidly cute." I chuckle and yawn.

"Are you tired?"

"A little, but *yawn* we have to finish-"

"Go ahead and lay down, we're almost done we can just finish it in the morning."


"No buts. Here, you can sleep on my bed."


"I like sleeping on the floor."

After arguing for almost 5 minutes, we finally decide that I'll take bed.

We tidy up the room and Haechan's mom brings in a mattress to put on the floor right next to the bed.

"Goodnight Sunshine!"

"Goodnight, Sunflower."

We lay still for a couple seconds before Hyuck begins softly singing.

I fall asleep to the sweet sound of his voice.

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