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As the day comes to an end, I make my way home.

Upon entering the household, I wave to my mom who is standing in the kitchen. She picks up a wooden spoon and strides across the kitchen, mixing up whatever concoction she is making on the stove. The food emitted an umami scent that quickly spread all throughout the house.

I slump onto the couch while I wait for her to finish cooking, clicking through multiple channels before just the TV of entirely.

"Mom," I whine, as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Yes honey?"

"I'm having boy problems... "

My mom chuckles.

"Tell me about it." She sarcastically says, pointing to the finger where her wedding ring used to be.

"Oh yeah... sorry."

"It's fine sweetie. Now, tell me about these 'boy issues'."

"Well... I kinda, maybe, like two guys at once. And according to Yunhee, they both like me back. I don't think it's true, but if it comes down to that, I don't know which one I'd choose."

"Who are these boys?" My mom questions.

"One is this guy named Jaemin. He's really kind and charming but so many girls like him, I don't think I'd stand a chance. The other is Hyuck, you know, my childhood best friend. The only problem with him is he's changed since we were little. I don't know if I truly want to be with him now or if I just miss the boy that I used to know."

"Hmm, both those situations do seem tough... but choosing one is pretty easy! Just choose the one you started liking last."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"If you like two people at once you should always go for the one you started liking second, because if you really liked the first, you wouldn't have had started liking some else." She explains.

This statement left me confused. I mean, it made since, but I don't even know who I started liking second.

I always call Jaemin my first real life crush, but maybe it was actually Hyuck from when we were children.

I fell asleep, thinking about my mom's word. Coming to a decision was hard but,

I think I know what I must do.

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