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"Alright girls! What was that phrase? Uh spell- no, spill the tea?" Mrs. Lee questions.

Yunhee and I both giggle at her attempt on saying slang. We stop and Yunhee gives me a look as if she's asking me something. I pick up on her expression and nod, letting her know we can trust Haechan's mom.

"Okay, I'll start." Yunhee speaks. "IlikeRenjunbutImnotsureifhelikesmebackbecauseheusedtolikeMi-sunand-"

"Slow down honey." Mrs. Lee insists.

Yunhee clears he throat. "Sorry. What I was trying to say is I really like Renjun but I don't know if he feels the same."

"Are you kidding? Did you see the way he was looking at you?" I point out.

"He was looking at me?"

"Yup, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have helped you put on your face mask either if he didn't like you." Mrs. Lee adds.

"What? I missed that happen!" I whine.

"Don't worry, I have it on video. It was so adorable-"

"Guys!" Yunhee interrupts Mrs. Lee. "We need to focus. Are you sure he likes me back? I mean, he just got over Mi-sun, what if I'm just a rebound?"

"I don't think he's using you Yunhee. I'm pretty sure he has liked you for awhile, he was just so caught up on trying to have something in common with the boys." I reassure. "You two deserve each other, go for it."

"Alright, I'll do it! Now, for you... " She says, turning to smirk at me.

"W- What do you mean me?"

"You were with Jeno for a looong time. What happened?" Mrs. Lee wiggles her eyebrow.

"W- Well," I sigh. "Fine. So you know how I already like Hyuck and Jaemin."

I see Mrs. Lee perks up a little when I mention my feelings for Donghyuck.

"Well I think I'm starting to like Jeno now."

"MI-SUN!" Yunhee shouts, scolding me a bit.

"I KNOW, I'M SORRY!" I shout back.

"Well I can't say much because I'm pretty biased." Mrs. Lee admits. "But you've known my little Hyuckie since childhood. That's something you can't have with anybody else."

"On the other hand, Jaemin is not only SUPER handsome, but also super kind. That's pretty hard to find. Well, Renjun's like that too but-"

"Not the time." Mrs. Lee states.

"Right, sorry." Yunhee replies. "So one vote for Hyuck, and one vote for Jaemin. At the end of the day it's all up to you babe."

I sigh. Their advise didn't help at all. It just made me even more confused.

Just then, Jeno slightly opens the door and pops his head into the room.

"So along with the pizza, I order a 2 liter bottle of Coca-Cola." He tells. "Oh and Mi-sun, I got you a 1 liter (your favorite drink, unless it's coke, then just change the 2 liter to something else) because I knew you'd like that more."

I become frozen in my spot and am left speechless. My heartbeat speeding up as Mrs. Lee and Yunhee look at each other, then back to me.

After we ate, Hyuck drops me off at home. We didn't speak much in the car, just small talk and mentions of childhood memories.

I get home and launch my body face-first into the couch.

"What is it this time?" My mom teases, walking up to me.

I say something, but since my face is in the chair, all that can be heard is incoherent mumbles.

"What was that?" She ask.

I lift my head. "Today was weird."

"Oh sweetie." My mom chuckles. She sits in the seat that my head was hovering above and places me onto her lap. She softly combs through my hair with her fingers. "If you like multiple people at once, go with the one you started liking last. They'll be the easiest to date and relationship should barely ever feel difficult."


"Well, here's my synopsis. Hyuck most defiantly changed from who you originally fell for, but not so much that you don't know who he really is. Other than that, the hardest thing to come with you dating him, is if you broke up. You might not just lose a boyfriend, but also your only friend you've had since childhood. Now with Jaemin, it seems you'll have many obstacles to face, due to his popularity. Other girls, being invited to places you don't want to go, him being invited without you... Also, Jaemin might not have a good understanding of your past/present feelings directed towards 2 of his best friends, which will cause him to get really jealous and possessive." My mom rants. I let out a deep sigh before she continues. "You like Jeno now, right?"

"How did you... ?"

"Mrs. Lee told me, but take my advise. For your current scenario, he's the easiest to be with, and if you really liked the rest, you wouldn't have started liking the last."

"You wouldn't have started liking the last."

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