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Jaemin, Jeno, and I all walk to school together, as we do most mornings. They drop me off at my locker then leave because the music club they're in together is holding an early meeting today. I start unpacking my bookbag when I hear a voice behind me. I turn, only to come face to face with none other than Lee Donghyuck.

"Morning Sunshine!" He sings, ruffling my hair.

"O- Oh, hey H-Hyuck I, um... I have something to tell you... " I stutter, remembering the words of my mother the night before.

"Okay... what's up?"

My heart beat races as glance around, trying to look anywhere but at him.

I shift my gaze to the right of me to see Yunhee watching us. She makes a few hand gestures as if telling me to give my attention back to Hyuck.

I look at Hyuck and take a deep breath in, almost forgetting to exhale.

"I- I... " I turn back towards Yunhee and see her mouth the words, 'tell him'.

"YUNHEE LIKES RENJUN!" I shout, mentally face palming.

"What?" Hyuck tilts his head in confusion.

"Yep! Yunhee likes Renjun! That's all I wanted to tell you, nothing else." I quickly say, giggling nervously while looking down at my feet.

"Wait... if Yunhee likes Renjun then that means, you can't like Renjun." Hyuck mumbles quite enough for only himself to hear.

I look up to see Hyuck quietly dancing around.

"Uh... what are you doing?"

"Nothing, it's just... uh, Renjun! He's my best friend! I think we should help get them together!"

"I've been trying, but I'm not the best wing women. Are you sure you wanna help, it's gonna be pretty hard?"

"Of course!" Hyuck cheers, he was beyond happy. Yunhee liking Renjun meant he was basically out of the running for Mi-sun. Not to mention, if him and Mi-sun worked together they'd probably become closer.

"So, what do we do? How do we get them together, especially considering I just rejected him... "

"Oh, I know! What did we always do when we were younger?"

"You used to pick your nose." I shrug.

"No, not that! What did we do when our parents wouldn't let us hang out sometimes?"

"Oh, that. We'd always write each other notes, but I don't see how that's going to help-"

"YUNHEE!" Hyuck yells, scaring the girl who was peeking around the corner. She slowly approaches us as Hyuck continues. "It's time Renjun gains a 'secret admirer'." Donghyuck smirks.

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