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Christmas break ends and school quickly starts back up.

My mom drove me to school, opposed to me walking alone, and when she drops me off I see Jaemin and Jeno standing by the gates.

I hug my mom goodbye and get out of the car, approaching Jaemin before he puts his hand up as if telling me to stop.

"Mi-sun, I'm doing this because I love you. I ran out of coffee yesterday, so I recommend you stay far away from me this morning."

My eyes widened and I slowly nod my head, waving to Jeno and walking past them to enter the building.

When I get inside, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

'I'm doing this because I love, because I love you... ' I think to myself.

I shake it off and go to visit Renjun at his locker.

"Hey nerd, I've missed you." I chuckle, leaning against the wall beside him.

He slams his locker door causing me to jump a little.

"You are just the person I was looking for." He exclaims.

"W-Why?" I ask, very confused.

"I need your help. I- I wanna ask Yunhee out."

"Heh, can you give me a second?" I hold up one finger.

I turn around to excuse myself and scream, dancing around a little bit.

I clear my throat and turn back around.

"Sure, I can help I guess." I shrug, pretending to act cool, but on the inside I was ecstatic. "So, how do you wanna do this."

"I... uh," Renjun scratches the back of his head. "I, uh... wrote a song... "

"Aww! That's so cute!" I coo. "So we've got a song, what's next?"

"Maybe I could sing it to her on the stage, after school." Renjun suggest.

"That's an amazing idea! Wow, you've already got this all planned out."

"I guess it's because I really like her, I want things to be perfect."

I'm gave him a soft smile, pouting at his cuteness and turn around to walk away.

School ends and me and all the boys gather at the schools theater, setting things up for Renjun's confession. Renjun is outside talking with Yunhee, convincing her to come to the theater in about 10 minutes.

"I'm so proud of my friend. It's like just yesterday I was teaching him how to walk, and now he's asking out the girl of his dreams!" Hyuck cries.

"I'm so excited for them!" Jaemin cheers, jumping up and down.

I smile as I continue adjusting things.

I stop once I get a strange feeling. It was as if someone was watching me. I lift my head and spin around, spotting Jeno and Jaemin talking before they both halt and stare directly at me.

 I lift my head and spin around, spotting Jeno and Jaemin talking before they both halt and stare directly at me

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