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"I love her more!" One boy yells.

"Love her? You don't even know her surname. She belongs to me!" Yells another.

"Guys, please don't fight, you're friends!" I cry out.

"Mi-sun," (I pronounce it Me-sun) One says, walking up to me and holding my face in his hands. "Wake up..."

"Wake up... wake up... wake-"

Yeah yeah~ it's a good day, hey, wake up! (LALALA - Twice)

I hit my alarm.

Ugh, it was just a dream. I really have to stop reading fanfiction before bed.

I stretch and push the bedcover to my feet, rubbing my eyes as I glance around the room.

"Mmmh, what day is it?" I groan.

I pull my phone off it's charger and check the date.

"Oh, it's the first day of school... THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!"

I leap out of bed and run towards the bathroom, preparing myself for the day ahead.

I leap out of bed and run towards the bathroom, preparing myself for the day ahead

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(These are the uniforms)

Today marks my 3rd year of high school, except this time, I'm in a new city.

I moved over the summer so that I could get the best education any Korean school has to offer.

"Mi-sun! Are you almost ready?" My mom yells.

"Yeah, almost!" I shout back, sprinting into my room to grab my backpack and a few other things.

"Don't forget your breakfast." My mom smiles when I stumble into the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I say, carefully taking the plate out of her hands. "Wait, do I even have time to eat?"

"Yup, I know you like to sleep in so I set your alarm 30 minutes early."

"You're a life saver." I reply, food in my mouth.

"Do you need me to drive you?"

"No thanks, I'll just walk." I finish my last bite of food. "I think I'll head out now, bye mom!"

"Bye Mi-sun, have a great day!"

I start my adventure to school, admiring everything I pass.

"I wonder what school's gonna be like, maybe I'll have some good teachers for a change

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"I wonder what school's gonna be like, maybe I'll have some good teachers for a change." I look down at my feet and start laughing. "Like that would ever happen."

I lift my head up and make eye contact with a guy standing across the street.

"Oh no, he saw me talking to myself. Shoot, I'm still doing it." I look up to see him chuckling. Well that's a great start to my day.

He holds out his hand as if telling me to wait, and jogs across the street.

Don't come over here, don't come over here, please d- And he's over here.

"Hi, I didn't mean to laugh, you're just so cute." He says, approaching me.

I felt so embarrassed. Not only did he see me talking to myself, but he's cute too.

"Don't worry, Jaemin talks to himself too." The boy says, doing a bit of aegyo.

"Uh, who's Jaemin?"

"Oh! Hi, I'm Jaemin."

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