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Jaemin asked where I was going and that's how we found out we go to the same school, so we walked the rest of the way together. He talks to me, endlessly ranting about random subjects but I was too embarrassed from earlier to pay much attention. I just nod along with his statements every now and then.

"Well, we're here!" Jaemin says as we approach the school building. "Would you like me to walk you to your first class?"

"Uh, yeah. Thank you." I reply.

"Of course! And don't worry, everyone at this school is very kind and welcoming." Jaemin reassures.

'Kind and welcoming, this shouldn't be too bad' I think to myself.

Oh was he wrong.

By then end of the day, I had yet to make any progress on making friends.

I had a few classes with Jaemin, so that was nice, but every time I tried to talk to him he was surround by a crowd of girls, so I decide to leave that alone.

I assume it's going to be hard starting in 3rd year when everyone already had their friend groups sorted out.

I walk home by myself, excited to spend the rest of the night ranting to my mom and watching k-drama's.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell after opening the door.

No answer.

I guess she was at work. Come to think of it, I should probably get a job soon. How else was I supposed to afford K-pop merch.

I threw myself down onto our navy blue, velvet, couch snuggling into the pillows that sit onto of it.

I turn on my TV and flip through endless channels, wondering if there's more to life than what's on this tiny screen

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I turn on my TV and flip through endless channels, wondering if there's more to life than what's on this tiny screen.

I decide on a show that I'd been tuning into here and there. It was about a boy who fell in love with 4 girls all at once, and he couldn't choose which one of them to date. "Pick the one with the pretty eyes!" I shout at my TV.

Eventually, my mom returns home, carrying a few bags when she comes in.

"Hello sweetie! How was school?"

"It was alright, but you know what would be even better... home school!" I exclaim, trying to convince her.

"Now now, that's not the sprit. I'm sure you'll like it sooner or later." She replies.

"Definitely later." I mumble, dragging myself off the couch and making my way to my room. When I enter, I changing out of my uniform and put on some sweats. I walk back into the kitchen, excited to devour the take-out my mom had bought.

"When is dad moving in?" I ask. He's currently back in our old city, dealing with a few work things.

"Who knows? He doesn't even tell me about that stuff." My mom sighs. I think about what she said for a bit.

"Mama, when I get my first boyfriend, our relationship is going to be absolutely perfect!" I shout in a hopeful tone. My only knowledge of romance relied purely on the countless dramas I've watched and fanfics I've read so I couldn't know any better.

"Good luck with that." My mom responds, ruffling my hair.

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