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"I- I don't know..." I answer. "I mean, I don't not like him so, I guess yeah, I do still like him."

I look at Renjun to see an unreadable expression on his face. I decide to continue.

"I'm just more focused on myself and my interest right now, so I don't think about it too much." I explain.

"That's understandable." Renjun says before looking down and beginning to wipe a table.

"You know," I blurt, spinning around so I could get a full view of the restaurant. "This place would be perfect for a party!"


"Mmhm! I've decorated a few parties before. Like, backyards for children's birthday parties, and classrooms for Halloween! Just looking at the layout of this place makes me want to throw a party so bad."

"I didn't know you were party planner." Renjun jokes.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I wink in response.

"I guess that's true. Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, I'm an only child. Although, my mom says my dad acts more like her kid than her husband."

He chuckles a bit. "I'm an only child too. My parents are always working though, so it gets pretty lonely."

"Well, now you have me." I look up to meet eyes with him. We both smile at one another and continue working.

We finish our shift for the day and I wave to Renjun before walking home by myself.

When I get to the front door of my house, I hear yelling from inside.

I already know it's my parents, but what do I do?

Would they stop if they saw me? Should I try to hide when I walk in?

I decide to go inside, but when I put my hand on the door knob, my breath hitches.

I think, I'm scared. Why am I so scared?

It's just my parents right? But why are they fighting? I thought they loved each other.

It was so much easier when my dad wasn't here, but how could I say that, I love my dad.

It's dark outside so I'm to scared to go anywhere else, but I'm still scared to go in my house.

I just place my back against the front door, slowly sliding down.

When my butt hits the ground, I pull my knees to my chest and hug them while I begin to cry.

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