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"Hey guys, after school a small group of people are playing dodgeball in the gym. We should join them!" Haechan suggest.

"Mm, I don't know... I'm not really a dodgeball guy." Renjun says.

"Come on Renjun, pleeeease?" I pout.

"Okay, let's do it!" Renjun exclaims. Such a quick change of personality.

I turn to Yunhee. She was looking opposite of me then suddenly turns around too.

She wore a blank expression, but quickly smiled when our eyes met.

"Dodgeball it is." Jeno agrees.

The lunch bell rings and we all go our separate ways for class.

Once the school day is over, me and Yunhee meet in the girls locker room. She had P.E. and I didn't so she let me borrow some of her extra gym clothes.

"So, Mi-sun..." She starts, while we're changing.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Do you still like Jaemin, and ONLY Jaemin?"

"Um... yeah, I guess. What do you mean by only Jaemin?"

"Oh nothing." She smiles, looking away and tying her hair up into a ponytail.

I shrug it off and interloop our arms, exiting the locker room with her by my side.

When we enter the gym, the four boys turn to look at us.

"Mi-sun... " Haechan says in airy voice.

"Haechan close your mouth, I can see the drool from here. Let's play some ball!" Yunhee shouts.

Haechan wipes his chin, turning to Jeno to ask if there's any drool. Jeno just shrugs and makes his way to the middle of the court.

"Renjun, Mi-sun, and Jaemin to left court and, Jeno, Yunhee, Haechan to right." The coach yells.

"I am going to destroy you left court." Yunhee booms, tilting her head to crack her neck.

"Not if we get you first!" I shout back. "Come on guys, we can do it!"

The balls were lined up and the war was about to begin.

"On the count of three, you all run to the middle!" Coach shouts. "1... 2... 3!"

Both me and Jaemin grab a ball and run back

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Both me and Jaemin grab a ball and run back. Renjun doesn't get one, so Jaemin decides to cover him.

As the game goes on, we manage to get everyone out on both sides who isn't in our friend group.

I throw a ball at Yunhee. She jumps in attempt to dodge it, but it ends up hitting her upper leg.

"Yunhee, out!" Coach yells, blowing his whistle and pointing his thumb back towards the bleachers.

"Are you kidding me! Mi-sun when this game is over I swear I'll-" She stops and makes eye contact with the coach. "Give you a BIG hug."

She walks out into the sidelines and sends me a throat slash gesture. I giggle and turn back to focus on the game.

Haechan throws a ball, hitting Renjun and getting him out of the game.

Now all that's left is me and Jaemin on left and Haechan and Jeno on right.

Jeno throws a fast ball towards Jaemin. I try to jump in front of him and block it with my ball, but it ends up hitting me in the face.

I fall to the ground and Jaemin immediately crouches down to check on me.

"Mi-sun!" Yunhee yells out, worry coating her voice.

"Mi-sun, I'm so sorry!" Jeno becomes filled with regret.

Jaemin sits on his knees and gentle lifts my head, laying it across his lap.

Jeno runs over and bends down next us.

"Mi-sun! Are you okay?" He panics.

"Back off Jeno, haven't you done enough... " Jaemin snaps.

"Jaemin... " Renjun mutters.

"No, he hurt her." Jaemin ends, glaring at Jeno.

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