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Me and Renjun were working our shift together at the pizzeria afterschool.

He was taking orders, while I was restocking boxes and refilling mozzarella shakers.

"The dance is in two days." Renjun mentions, sketching on the pen and pad in his hands.

"Yup, we're going to have so much fun!" I cheer, sprinkling in the last bits of the white cheese. I turn on my heel make my way to Renjun, so that we're standing across from each other with only the counter in our way.

"Don't you think it's weird that we're going as a group while everyone else is going as couples?" He questions placing the notepad down and looking towards me.

"Shouldn't you be glad you're going at all this year?"

"Not funny... " He mumbles. He begins to sulk as I giggle. I reach across the counter and boop his nose, turning back around to continue my job.

Incoming call from Brighter Than My Future...

I slip my phone out of my pocket and answer it.

"Hey Hyuck, what's up?"

"Are you kidding!"

"Huh, w-what's wrong?"

"You told Jeno about your parents divorce
and not me!?"

I was taken aback.

I was a bit upset that Jeno told him, but was more sad with Hyuck mentioning it so carelessly.

"I'm the only friend who even knows your
parents! We grew up together!
How could you not tell me?"

"Please... please don't yell... I- I'm sorry."

He stays quiet for a moment.

"Shoot, Mi-sun I'm sorry too. I don't even know
why I was mad... do you wanna talk?
You can come over if you'd like?"

"No, but thanks. I got to go."

I hang up and run my fingers through my hair.

"Is everything okay?" Renjun ask.

"Everything's fine." I lie while giving him a half smile. I don't want to worry him. I just want to finish this shift so I can go home and be alone.

When work is over, I begin walking home around 8:30 p.m. (20:30). It was pretty dark and it was also late November, meaning it's cold out.

I walk through the park that me, Jeno, and Jaemin usually meet at on our way to school. I notice a boy wearing a black hoodie sitting near the entrance gates.

He notices me and stands up.

"Hey, why are you out here?" Jaemin ask, swaying his body left to right with his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

"Oh, I'm just coming from work."

"Alone? At night? Can I walk you home?"

"No, I can't let you do that. Your house is just up the street and I have another 5 minutes. I'll be fine." I assure.

"I can't leave you alone out here. Come on, let's go."

We begin walking side by side, enjoying the distant sounds of the city.

Jaemin looks down and sees her slightly shivering.

I notice Jaemin remove his hoodie and hold it out to me.

I slide it on and smile up to him as we continue walking.

"Hey Mi-sun," Jaemin lets out, gaining my attention. "Do you want to go to the dance together? I mean, we're already going together with everyone else but, can you save me a dance?"

My heart skipped a beat with his question. Did he really want to dance solely with me?

"I'd love to." I reply. Jaemin smiles to himself, looking up at the moon.

"Well, here's my stop, good night Jaemin!" I chirp, slowly slipping his hoodie over my head.

"Good night, and keep it." He winks, turning around and walking away.

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