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Once I got to Yunhee's house, we made her couch into a giant pillow fort.

We also turned on our favorite k-drama and her dad brought us some snacks.

"This is going to be the. Best. Sleepover. EVER!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, sure." Yunhee shrugs with a smile on her face. "What do you want to do first?"

"Paint nails? Talk about boys!" I cheer.

"Calm down Sunnie, I'm not really into... stuff like that, but sure, let's talk about boys. More specifically, your love triangle." Yunhee smirks.

"We can get to that later, I want to hear about your love life."

"Mine? Oh, well, I don't really have one."

"Come on, there has to be something." I insist.

"Well, I dated this guy first year of high school, but he turned out to be a jerk."

"Aw, oh no, what made him a jerk?"

"I don't know... " Yunhee replies, adjusting herself so that her legs were now thrown over my lap. "I thought it'd be really cool to date a 'bad boy' so I should've seen it coming. The entire time we were 'dating' he'd ignore me and flirt with other girls." She giggles a bit.

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's alright. Now I'm into sweeter guys, the more quiet type." I nod giving her a wide smile. "Now, explain your love triangle thingy."

"Well as you know, I like both Donghyuck and Jaemin, and I have no idea what to do about it."

"That's easy, who do you like more?"

"Well that's the thing... I think it's pretty equal. Jaemin is one of my now best friends, but Hyuck was my childhood friend, so I feel this close connection with the both of them."

"You have to like one of them more." Yunhee teases.

"I don't... think... so, I'm new to this whole crush thing." I admit.

"You've never liked anyone before them?"

"No one in real life, just TV character and anime boys." I say, chuckling a little.

"You're really into this fantasy land in your imagination, huh?"

"Yeah, it's always been my escape. Whenever I'm having a problem, I can just watch a show or read a fanfic and imagine myself in that world. In a world where I'm not an outcast, a world where my family is perfect, where everything is perfect... "

When I finish, me and Yunhee stay quite for a few minutes.

"That was deep." She let's out.

"Yeah, I don't know where that came from. I just kinda spoke and all that came out." I respond, staring into space.

Yunhee clears her throat. "So, which color do you want your nails?"

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