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Cerita ini sudah lama ada di laptop. Beruntung ada di email jadi begitu laptop mati total, cerita ini terselamatnya walaupun belum selesai. 

I've been busy with works. so much thing to do, even I didn't have much time for me *sigh

I miss you guys, so much. I Miss writing too, but lately my life's been fall apart. With so much work and try to adjust myself  with this new thing, i've been crazy here. 

But I'll survive, thank God for that.


This story suppose to be short.... tapi, karena cerita ini belum selesai  jadi aku belum tau akan seperti apa endingnya. 

well then,

somebody who missed my work, please enjoy this story :)

His PromisesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang