.《 28 》

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i woke up to light soft snores from amriah on my bed. i sat up and yawned while putting my hair in a low bun.

i looked at my bestfriend and smiled. her mouth was open, and her hair was in her face. i lifted her falling lace and placed it right on the nightstand so she could sleep comfortable.

i threw the covers offa me, and placed them on her. she snorted loudly and exhaled deeply.

i laughed to myself & tip toed out the room & into the kitchen. i was starving, so i picked up anything i could find.

so really all that ended up in my lap was a pack of starburst, lay's chips, iced tea, cornbread, cream cake & a tiny container of ice cream.

i've been on my diet for so damn long & it felt like straight up heaven eating all this junk.

while the tv hummed in the background, i wrote in my journal.

i feel...

confused. worried. drained.

& the fact that amriah was in a situation that caused her to be put in danger really irks me. it makes me feel unsafe in my own home & ik amriah prolly feels the same.

i gotta call the police & file a report. not only that i wanna find whoever the fuck did this shit to her & make em pay.

the only good thing i can say is my job. however, i cant worry about that rn. amriah is the only thing on my mind. brent sometimes be creeping in my mind, but he play too much. not only that the last time i saw him was about a day ago or so.

he stresses me out. & he ain't even mine.

shidd he prolly sticking his dick in other bitches. idc.


okay whatever, i do kinda.

i can't lie to myself.

anyways, i'm hoppin off this.


my phone began to hum with notifications. i checked them.

kaiA1 - 1 new notification.

brent 🍃 - 10 new notifications.

work. - 2 new notifications.

mom - 1 new notification.

i sighed & threw my phone back on my coffee table.

there was too much going on & i didn't know what to do, where to start. i felt so lost.

" hey girl. " amriah came outta my room, rubbing her eyes while makin her way towards me onna couch.

" you feelin okay ? " i asked.

she nodded.

i made space for her & layed my head back on the arm of the sofa.

she layed right wit me & put a pink starburts in her mouth.

" saint, i wanna talk to you. "

my eyebrows furrowed.

" yea of course, wh? "

she sat up which caused me to want to sit up.

" well... "

i waited for her next words in anticipation.

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