.《 9 》

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after a long day of thoughtless money spending, i dropped amriah back off at this dumb ass nigga trey's house & drove back to my own.

on my way there, i had received a notification from my mom.
it read -

' hey baby , just wanted to see when you were coming out here? '

i sighed & locked my phone again throwing it on the passenger seat. my mind wandered off to 2 years ago. as i kept diggin into my thoughts, i once again heard my ringtone go off.

- brent 🍃 is calling ...

i actually felt myself get all giddy, which surprised me but i refused to show my excitement. i cleared my throat & picked up.

hello ? i said.


brent - ' yo ma, wya ? '

me - ' wym ? wya ? '

brent - ' im waiting infront ya door. '

my eyes widened.


me - ' nigga what ? '

brent began to laugh, ' broo wymmm, i can't see you? '

i rolled my eyes. ' yea whatever brent, im coming. '


i hung up & pulled into a side of a gas station. i hopped out, made my way around the car to the pump, & paid for my gas. i looked around at my surroundings, & noticed a man on the side of the building watching me. since, i don't have very good vision i couldn't see who it was. he stood there as if he was waiting for someone, but i could tell he was looking in my direction. the night sky was cloudy & i could hear a low rumbling up above the clouds, which unsettled me. a feeling daunted me, which made me rush and place the pump back in the holder, & made me do a little jog back into my car.

as soon as my car door closed, tiny drops of rain lightly hit my car window. i turned the key in the ignition & drove off the gravel path. a message notification popped on my phone & i checked it.


brent 🍃 - yeo babygirl, it's bout to rain wya?


i placed the phone back on the passenger seat & kept my eyes on the road. i stepped a little harder on the car paddle to speed up a bit. i did not like the rain. never liked it unless i was in my home free from it. i spotted brent as soon as i pulled around the bend. he was under a little patio, on his phone. i parked in my reserved area & got my things together before i went outside the car.

i grabbed my givenchy purse & placed my belongings inside. since, i didn't want to get soaked for the simple fact that it started to pour down rain i looked around my car for sum that could keep me dry.

' fuck ' i thought as i remembered that i left all my umbrellas in the coat rack. i spotted a magazine behind me on the backseat. i grabbed it, & unlocked my car door.

' ayoo whatdup babygirlll.' brent called to me, but all i could think about was not getting wet. which failed miserably. rain water started to drench my back, my hair, some even went in my shoes.

' ughhhhh , ' i groaned as i ran up the steps and under the patio where brent was. he began to bodaciously laugh. i rolled my eyes, ' boy if you don't shut up. ' as i swiped at my sleeves to brush off the rain water from my shirt i felt brent inch close to my face & grab my waist. i stopped what i was doing and looked up. his body heat emanating off of him, & giving me warmth.

his breath smelt of mint. my insides began to flip & flop & my knees began to turn weak. we made intense eye-contact. it was like i was happily getting lost in his chocolate brown eyes. he raised his hands to my chin & pulled me in for a kiss. i glady accepted, & kissed his soft lips. his lips were so soft & the way he kissed made me go even weaker then i already was. he then pulled me by my waist so that my whole body was connected and indulged in his own, & i lifted my hands to his neck bringing his face closer to mine.

my navel fluttered & i began feeling a tingling sensation down there. i broke away from the kiss & looked at him. he was breathing heavy & his eyes were glued to mine. once again, he gave me that feeling that i liked. he inched closer and i could feel his erection. i smiled slightly, & went up the stairs with him following behind like a puppy. wide eyed for sum more.

i turned the key in the lock & plopped all my things on the vanity next to the door. i turned around & started to walk backwards while watching him. we never broke our eye contact, & we both began to strip away our clothing. i made my way to the bathroom & stipped away my underwear so that i was bare & naked. he came in lickin his lips & with his eyebrow up. i smiled & turned on the bathtub water. he unhooked his pants & threw off his shirt which landed in the sink. i sat on the edge of the tub & added essential oils along with rosepetals i had stored on the side. he came up to me, grabbed me by my hair & kissed me roughly. i touched my breasts and started to feel all on his print.

i pulled down his red boxers & started to stroke him with one hand & the other cupping my tit. he stopped kissing me & i pulled my hand away, while dipping and submerging myself in the warm bath. my eyes seductively floated to meet his & i lit two candles while placing them on the edge. his dick was big & already erect which made me want him even more.

the warm water touched every inch of my body along with the lavender oil which calmed me down. brent sat down & laid his back against the tub while placing his two hands on the tub's edge. i inched foward & sat on him. his dick wafted on my stomach & topped over my belly button. i started to tounge kiss him & i took his dick in my hands which made him moan in my mouth. i began to go up & down with one hand and holding the back of his head in the other. as i continued to tounge him down, i slid in his massive dick that was pulsating & i put him roughly in my tight & wet ass pussy.

he gasped & i began to ride him. i went up & down while holding on his shoulders for support. my eyes rolled to the back of my head as i felt him hitting my g-spot exactly.

' ah fuck, ' i moaned. his grabbed me by my throat and began suckin on my neck. i drew my fingernails into his shoulder blades and started to bounce faster making the water slosh around.

' damn babygirl, ride that shit. ' he stopped suckin on my neck & began to grip my ass, helping me into going down deeper on his dick. i looked down again, bit my lip, & crashed my lips into his. we began to sloppy kiss, & his dick kept destroying my insides which made me feel as if my guts were moving. my clit began to throb excessively, & i took his hand boldy making him rub me. as we pulled back from kissing, i looked up at the ceiling and moaned louder.

' fuck br- brent. '
' cum on daddy dick babygirl. '

his finger moved faster and faster on my clit which made me reach near my climax even more. his dick smashed my insides, i felt as if i wanted to have him deeper inside me. as i bounced on his dick, i felt my cum rush foward and out on his dick.

he then spun me around in the bathtub and put me on my hands and knees. i placed my arms on the edge & prepped myself for his aggressive pounding. he grabbed a whole bunch of my hair & slid his dick in my wet cat pounding as he went down deeper.

' ouu shit, ' i moaned as i felt his whole member unapologetically enter inside me. if felt so good even though i began to turn sore. as he went faster his strokes became sloppier. i could tell he was nearing his end. i tightened my walls & worked my hips against his dick.

' shit ma, you got that good shit. '

i felt a warm flush inside of me & then i felt his body collapse on my back. i turned my head & he grabbed my jaw sloppy kissing me. we both sat up & washed ourselves off.

as we wrapped towels around is he took my hand & spun me around. as i fell into his chest & gripped my ass & kissed me. ' yo saint, you bad yk that.' i laughed. ' boy please. ' i re-fastened my towel & headed to my room. we both hopped in the bed still with our damp towels and cuddled.

as i layed on his chest, i thought about him & me. us. wtf was this boy doing to me.

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