. 《 33 》

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we talked about alot as we ate. everything flowed so naturally.

the food was good as hell too. the chicken legs were crispy, not too greasy, & the inside was meaty & warm. the mash was perfectly seasoned, & the string beans were simmered to perfection.

" so, brent. " i bit a piece offa my chicken.

" you got family? " i innocently asked.

" yeah. " he spoke. his demeanor hardened. & tension filled the room.

i cleared my throat, not understanding why the hell it got so silent. everything was going good.

" i only really got my brother tho. " he ate some mash & started to chew. i did the same.

" moms & pops to busy for us & shit. "

" oh. " was all i said.

" how about you? "

that's when my jaw locked from chewing & my ears started to ring. the only things brent knows about my personal life, is my babydaddy, my job & netty. nothing more, nothing less.

" um. what about me? " i said tryna play stupid.

" ya family. " he said with his eyebrow raised.

" uh, " i took a sip of my water. " they chill. "

" mm. " he mumbled.

i wanted to change the subject bad, so i said the first thing that came to mind.

" how my pussy? "

he choked on his food & struggled to take sips of his juice to calm down.

" yooooo! " he laughed. " mane what is wrong witchu saint? " he attempted to drink his juice, only to keep laughing from my outta the blue question.

i swiped at the corners of my lips with a tissue trying not to laugh with him.

" i'm sorry, " i said.

about 30 secs or so he calmed.

" you is wild saint. " he said still chuckling.

" i mean, ik that. " i said smirking to myself.

he shook is head jokingly. i smiled and dipped a piece of chicken skin in my mash, carefully putting it in my mouth.

" yk what- " brent was unable to finish his sentence as my phone began blaring in the kitchen. i wanted to ignore it, but i just got up & walked towards it.

i felt his eyes burning a hole in my back, as i walked away.

amriah 💖 is calling...

i quickly picked up & brung the phone to my ear.

" hello? "
" hey saint. "
" amriah girl! how you feelin? you landed? you met up with ma? "
" yes girl! home ain't change much, but i can say i don't miss the heat. "

we both laughed.

" pick up. " she said.
i looked at my phone & noticed her facetiming me.

i swiped.

her beautiful brown face glistened on the screen. she saw me & smiled wide.

" hiiii!! "

" hiiii!! " i semi yelled back at her.

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