.《 14 》

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i fluttered my eyes open & looked around. i was still in the living room, & i noticed a comedy show had popped up & was playing on the tv. i rubbed my eyes & yawned, i hadn't even realized that i fell asleep.

i looked at the clock on my coffee table.


' wtf , ' i thought. i took my wrist and rubbed my head, and then made my way to the bathroom. i turned on the faucet & gently splashed lukewarm water on my face to wake me up. i checked myself out in the mirror.

' i am one beautiful bitch, ' i exclaimed as i took my towel & dryed my face off. i giggled to myself & went to my kitchen. i hungrily took out a salad that i had saved & poured in some ranch dressing. as, i plucked my fork in the plastic bowl i calmly ate & sat on my sofa.

' damn, why tf is it so late. '

i continued to stuff my face & took the remote in my hand to switch to something more interesting. i put on a, ' dave chappelle ' show & went straight to my phone. that little nap i had, fueled me & it made me feel much better then before. i scrolled through my insta feed & liked a post amriah had put up.

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liked by 7.saiint & 1,073 others.

amrixh. - ORANGE DREAM 💥 .
7.saiint. - AHH OKAYY 👑 !

user - 😍😍

treyCmaxx - baee ❤❤😍 .

user - soo prettyyy 🤩 .

view all 530 comments.


i smiled at the photo of amriah.

' she is so frikin beautiful, ' i thought.

i locked my phone, took the last bite of the rest of my salad & practically ran to my kitchen. i threw the bowl in garbage & washed my hands. since, i felt energized & bold i decided to get back to my mom.

me - hey, so i'm going to book a flight this weekend. i'll take off friday & then come back home on sun.

i sent the message & took a deep breath.

mini skip.


i grabbed my keys from the holder on the wall & rushed out the door. as i made my way to my car, i thought about how crazy yet boring these past few days were. brent. amriah. my mother. i took a deep breath & let my exhale slowly exit.

i popped open my car door & sat on my cream colored plush seat. i pulled my seat belt, turned on the ac, & plugged in the aux.

pulling outta the driveway i began to rap along to the lyrics.

blurred devotion. brent faiyaz.Where stories live. Discover now