.《 15 》

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the night with amriah went smoothly. we ate & watched scary movies, & joked on the old times. we both fell asleep on the couch at like 4 in the morning.

as i silently drank my water, staring into the oblivion i reminisced on last night's dream.

° dream °

' mommy. '
i turned around. netty was standing up in the middle of a sunflower field, with a flowy white dress on. her hair was puffed out & natural.

i smiled & made my way towards her.
' mommy mommy. ' she continued.

i stopped smiling & looked at her.

her eyes grew big & worried & she was biting her nails. she pointed to something behind me & i turned around.

a black cloth that was old, smelly, raggedy, & blood filled was coming toward me. my heart began to race & i looked back towards netty. she was running away from me in the opposite direction.

i snapped my attention back to monstrosity that was above me, & began running. pushing my feet above the grass as hard as i could.

' netty ! ' i yelled. my was hoarse & she couldn't hear me.

' netty !! ' everything felt as if i was underwater. everything was slowed.

i felt my breathing get heavier, then my vision began to fog. my heart raced a marathon as my fear grew grew & grew & overtook me.

next thing i know, strong arms grabbed me from behind. i looked at the arm that was looped around my waist. it was grey & the fingertips were a devlish red. the arm was abnormally skinny. my face contorted into fear & i screamed & kicked with all my might.

it was no use.

then i blacked out.

° end of dream °

' saint ! you don't hear me calling you? '

' huh? ' i responded. i shook my head, ' my bad my mind was elsewhere. '

' had that dream again? ' amriah eyed me.

i slowly looked down at my cup.
' read my mind. '

she got up off the couch & came in the kitchen. rubbing my back, she leaned on my shoulder.

' i'm always here for you saint. never forget that. '

i smiled & laid my head on hers.

' aight bro enough sappy shit. i'm gonna make my way to the mall & start packing for when i go to new york. '

she cocked her eyebrow & scrunched up her mouth.

' saint, don't fuckin force yaself bro. if you don't wanna go. then das what it is ! fucck them ! they not feeling whatchu is. '

her words were true & rung deep.

' i know amriah, trust me i do. but i wanna get this shit over and done with.'

she nodded her head, & scarfed down some chocolate chip cookies. i smiled & placed the water jug back into the refrigerator.

i grabbed my stuff off the counter & kissed amriah on her forehead.

' i'll text you when i get home. '

' aight. '


blurred devotion. brent faiyaz.Where stories live. Discover now