.《 6 》

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i sat there and stared back. i looked straight into his eyes. i perched my eyebrow, & he laughed. he smoothly removed his hand, & drove the car into a isolated parking space around the corner of trey's house.

as he turned off the ignition & pulled out the car key from the keyhole , he slyly licked his lips. his eyes pierced right through me & i could feel a warm air consume my body. i checked the time on my phone.


i lightly chuckled, & licked my lips while i seductively leaned forward toward him.

' thank you for not crashin my car. ' i whispered infront of his face. my eyes made their way toward his lips. i could feel & hear his breathing start to grow heavy. i smiled. i saw that his eyes also made their way down to my own lips & began to lean in foward. 

as we were only an inch apart i stopped, took my car keys from his side of the dashboard, looked at him, made a low giggle & said, ' now get out my car. '

i leaned back in my seat & exited the car. i fixed my hair & laughed as i skipped my way back to the party.

the party looked as if it had died down a little bit, & there were alot more people outside then when we left. i turned around to see brent joggin his way toward while holdin his pants up. i laughed loud & he looked at me straight in surprised which then turned into a slick smile.

' you think you smooth?'' he questioned. ''you ain't had to do me like that. ' he ran up next to me & slung his arm on my shoulders.
then he looked at me straight into my face. i laughed, ' boy trust me i wasn't givin you shit that easy. ' people on the front yard yelled to brent to say whatsup & brent would call back, but he still stuck to my side. i stepped on the 1st step on the porch & slid off his arm. i crossed my arms & looked at him.

he smiled & touched my waist. it sent shots thru my body & a hot moist feeling overwhelmed me.

' you know i always get what i want right. '

i scoffed and rolled my eyes.

' yo brent, come get cha mans he getting fucked up ! '

we both turned towards a short, stout, & brownskin man as he pointed towards the path to the backyard. brent ran & i came after him with amirah being in my mind.

all i could think was, 

' is she good ? '
' where was she ? ' .

i hopped the corner & saw trey's bumass standing over a young, skinny, boy who looked about 17-18. & i watched as brent pushed pass everyone in the crowd that was overlooking & recording the situation instead of helping. he punched trey to the ground & then trey's homeboys jumped in which then caused another group to set themselves in which i assume was brent's mans.

i frantically searched around for amirah. i turned my back to the fight & went inside the house. i bust open the backdoor & walked upstairs. the music was on a low rumble & the only people in the house were a few people onna couch who looked spaced out. druggies most likely.

i stomped up the steps & busted open everydoor. i found her in the bathroom pissing. she looked alarmed as i busted through the door.

' saint what the fuck is wrong witchu ! ? '

' bitch you haven't seen what's going on outside. '

' no why what happened ??? ' she asked getting concerned. 

' girl just clean yoself up & let's go ! '.

i exited the bathroom & unlocked my phone. it was already 12:20 , & the night was still young. wild & alive, obviously.

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