.《 8 》

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the warmth of the sun seeped through my curtains & speckled my naked body. i fluttered my eyes open & looked at brent who lay next to me. his body heat reflected off of him & on to me. last night was. amazing. it's been a while, since i gave my body away to someone. i had my reasons. 2 years of me not having sex straight & to think a nigga from a party would be the one to break that. he was laid on his back, i was on his chest. his tattoos were bright.

' i don't think art is propaganda ; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.'

his chest tattoo blared in the sun & i ran my finger across each word. it was a beautiful phrase & i quietly took note of it. as my fingers brushed and traced his tattoos i felt him move. i decided to get up off the bed, put on my satin robe & headed to the bathroom.

i examined myself in the mirror. my curls were messy, i had hickeys all over my neck and my tit from him suckin on me all night. i could barely walk from last night. i was sore & sensitive. i unwrapped my robe and turned on the shower while grabbin my toothbrush and the toothpaste.

the cool water rushed over my body & i stood there doing nothing for 2 minutes straight. i replayed everything that happened last night. it was a worrying, calming, & fun night. that was a night i needed, a night that i've forgotten the feelin of but was enthralled to have felt it again.


my doorbell rung hectically, & i was snapped put of my thoughts. i turned the knob & grabbed my towel. the continuous buzzing of my bell turned into someone banging on my door. i scrunched up my face, ' what the hell is going on ? ' i thought as i made my way to the front door.

i checked my peephole.


' oh shit ! ' i thought as i unlocked my door remembering how i forgot to call her & tell her that i had got home safe.

i opened the door and innocently peeked. she had her arms crossed & her eyebrow up. she looked as if she wanted to beat my ass. i stifled a giggle.
' what's so funny saint ? '
' girl ' i choked , ' i am so sorry , i was in a bit of a situation .. '
she cut me off.

she threw open the door causing me to trip backwards with my back on the wall. she made her way to the kitchen & i closed my door.

i walked over to her with brent on my mind , not wanting him to hear the noise & walk out while she was here.

' girl you just woke up or sum ? you usually be up early. ' she raised an eyebrow at me. i was stuck on my words. ' amirah really , my bad for not texting you i had forgot. '

amriah had her afro puffed out. a silk royal purple shirt , a black skirt on, some black platform boots, & gold jewelry that was spread across her. her brownskin glowed, & her chocolate eyes were bright.

' saint you had me so fuckin worried yo. '
she grabbed some lays chip from the cupboard & sat at the table. i looked back towards my room & listened to see if i could hear anything.

' girl you good ? ' i turned back to her.
' oh yea girl, so you good ? ' she took a chip and ate it. ' yea, trey back on his hoodrat shit. ' i chuckled & stood awkwardly in my hallway that lead to my bedroom. amriah looked at me weirdly.

' girl you sure ur okay, why all the way over here? come sit down. '

i held my towel. ' saint yk idc if you got on a towel, bitch come sit down. '

i walked & sat on the plush seat.
' so where you went saint ? '
i looked at her in her eyes. ' wym, i went straight home girl. '
' mm ' , she said as she stuffed some chips in her mouth.
' so anyways girl lemme tell you bout trey, aight so boom- '
my mind trailed off & i wasn't listening to anything she was sayin. the reason i didn't want amriah to see brent was because, i didn't want her gettin the idea that i was gettin comfortable & gettin back into the dating scene. especially, not what happened 2 years ago. that will forever haunt & hurt me as long as i live.

i felt a pair of warm hands on my back, & i looked up. brent. i gasped and looked at amriah who's mouth hung down lookin at me. ' i- amr- brent- . '

brent looked confused.
amriah looked dumbfounded.
i got up off my chair & stood up infront of them. i decided to shake off my shyness & introduced them.
' amriah, this is brent, & brent this is my bestfriend amriah. '

brent sweetly smiled and nodded his head towards her. she smiled & did a tiny bougie wave. brent was shirtless and was only wearing his sweats from last night.

' uh saint, i gotta go my homeboys need me back at the crib but imma check on you later. ' i nodded, ' o- okay. ' he kissed my forehead, got his belt buckle, shirt, & jacket off the couch & headed out.

' o m g ahahhhahahahahah saiiintttt ! '
i looked back to see a hysterical amriah. she was jumping up and down with her chip bag clutched in her hand. i rolled my eyes & speed walked to my room. she came trailing behind me skipping.
' girl no, that's nobody. ' she feigned being shocked. ' saint ! i seee youuuu. '
' you see nothing. ' i said as searched my closet for a decent outfit.
amriah plopped on my bed & played with her hair.
' saint, that's why you was acting so different. '
i rolled my eyes.
' saint ! girll im proud of you it's understandable why you took your break. ' her voice slowy trailed off as we both reminisced on the situation of 2 years ago.
' well amriah ' i said breaking the silence, ' that was nothing im still going to hold myself. '
amriah came up to me & hugged me. intently. i sighed. she pulled back.
' saint ur a bad bitch ! '
i laughed & picked up my outfit i had laid on the bed.

i had on some high-waisted blue jeans, with a white tube top, topped with a silver chain. i did my hair which was a messy bun & i threw on some heels. amriah & i then walked out the door to begin our eventful shopping day.

{ 🏳a/n - y'all this chap was a type dragg, but hope you enjoyed } .

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