.《 3 》

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i stopped fidgeting wit my lighter, & slowly turned around. i was met wit those same bright eyes, & thick lips. i took the blunt from my mouth & threw the lighter in the bushes. he licked his lips, and chuckled while passin' on his black iridescent lighter. i took it & lit my blunt stealthy so the wind wouldn't blow it.

' so wyd out here by yoself lil mama ? '.
i lifted an eyebrow as i took a drag from the blunt, passing him his lighter back. 
' why you wanna know ? ' .
he chuckled. ' sassy much ? . ' i smiled and took another pull from da blunt.
' i was just lookin at chu & just wanted to let chu know you real beautiful ma. '

i snorted, ' oh really. '
he licked his lips. ' i'm fr doe. '
i felt his gaze graze my whole body. it ain't make me feel awkward like i thought it would, but rather warm. like he was doin sum to me. as he continued to stare me down he asked, ' can i get a pull ?. '
i turned towards him & scanned him up and down. ' wasn't chu smokin inna house, you ain't had enough ? '

he grinned & started to laugh. his tooth gap was exposed, which surprisingly fit him well. ' damn, why you so mean '
i rolled my eyes & passed him the blunt.
i was skeptical but still passed it on. he took it from my hands, & jokingly said, ' thank you lady. ' he took a long drag and puffed it up in the air. i watched him & intently looked at his neck. he was very attractive & he had a mysterious air about him that made me want to get to know him more, but i kept my distance.

especially, after not what happened last time.

i snapped out of my thoughts, hearing this boy ask what my name was.

' saint. ' i said. he passed back the blunt and took out a water bottle. ' that's a beautiful name, i'm brent. ' 

i nodded & pressed out the blunt.
' nice to meet you. '

he took a sip of his water & bucked his head as to say likewise. i stashed away my blunt & felt the need to eat & pee. i rolled up my shit, put it in my pockets, & tried to move past him. he grabbed my arm. ' woah where you going shawty?' i chuckled and stepped back.
i grabbed his hand, & flicked it off, ' to mind my bidness. '
he laughed, ' can i come ? '
i flipped my hair & shrugged. 

as me and brent, entered the house there was alot of yellin' , & bitches hyping up each other. i looked around & speed to the kitchen. brent kept on my tracks. i searched this bum nigga trey's cabinets, pantry, & refrigerator & found nothing to my interest. i told brent i was gonna go pee & went to the nearest bathroom there was. i creaked open the door & saw a couple fuckin in there. i shut it so fast & jogged to the stairs. as i walked, i opened each door to check if there was a bathroom. 

as i turned a corner i heard giggling & a voice which sounded familiar. i turned real quick & swung open the door in which i saw trey & amirah cuddled up on each other being all mushy gushy ontop each other. 

amriah turned her body towards me fast & came up to me. she fixed her dress, ' sa- saint girl you scared me. '
trey was in the corner of the room playing with his chin looking utterly annoyed. as if i cared. i faced amirah, ' can i talk to you real quick. ' before, she could answer i grabbed her arm, went out into the hallway, & slammed the door.

' amriah wtf you doing ? i crossed my arms.
' saint please don't start, i'm grown i can handle myself. '
' yea ofc you are, & so what. you got drugs in your system. '
she sucked her teeth.
' saint i promise you nothing will happen. '
i rolled my eyes & stuck out my pinky. she took it & crossed her pinky with mine.

i didn't know for sure if she was really gon keep the promise, but i didn't plan to be here long.  

' so then whatchu about to do ? . '
i twirled my curls & told her my plans.
pee & then go to the store cuz the bum ain't have snacks in his house.
she laughed, ' fatass. '
i sucked my teeth. ' well i'll call you amirah, be safe & don't do no dumb shit. '
as amirah & i was about to part ways, a deep voice called my name. we both faced where the noise was & just looked at him.

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