.《 26 》

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i threw some tennis shoes on & almost shit myself running out the door & down the complex stairs. i began to pant with every step i took towards my car.

i practically stuffed my key in the ignition & did a 360 with my car, before even allowing the interior to cool down. a loud skid from my car tires echoed throughout the streets. my mind raced with horrific thoughts on what could have happened.

' please lord let amriah be okay, pleasee. ' i pleaded in my mind.

i wouldn't even fucking know how to function everyday if something happened to her. i clicked on the link she sent & allowed the robotic voice to guide me. my breathing began to come out of a comfortable pattern, but at this point i really didn't care. i just hoped & pray to GOD she's alright.

i ran through red lights and ignored all stop signs. i ain't have time to play and i just wanted to get amriah and make sure she was alright. as i sped down countless blocks, roads, and alleyways, time felt as if it had slowed.

my hands were turning sore from my hefty grip on the steering wheel. cars honked loudly but i still sped through the streets.

as i pulled up to the location a musty, broke down, and abandoned looking house stood standing isolated from the others. the garden was overgrown and the fence had sprouted roots all over it. amriah

i slammed the door and hopped over the fence scuffing my leg. i ran through the door and bust it wide open. the inside was dimly lit, and the smell of mold emnated through my nostrils. i scrunched up my face and covered my face with my nose.

'' wtf '' i thought.

the stench reeked throughout the whole house. i walked around the corriders and peeped through the doors.

'' amriah!? '' i yelled. sweat began to form in the palms of my hands.

then i heard a quiet tumble behind me causing my whole body to jolt around. my eyes widened.

i tip toed forward staying sure of not making any noise. i didn't know if it was amriah or something else so i stayed cautious.

i creaked open a rusty wooden door and looked inside the room. there was a flipped over couch, curtains were sprawled all over the floor, spiderwebs hung from the corners of the ceiling.

my lip twisted from the stench.

'' hello? '' a tiny voice questioned. my head turned. there she was.

she was coddled in a corner, knees brought to her chest, and her eyes hanging low. her leg had tiny cuts up and down, her voice also seemed hoarse and dry.

i ran and dropped to my knees next to her.

i cradled her face in my hands and once she recognized me she started bawling throwing her arms across my waist and laying her head in my lap. i hugged her tightly.

'' amriah what happened.'' my voice cracked.

she just shook her head and cried harder. i tried to stand up with her, my hand on her waist gently pulling her up. she tried to sumas most of her cries by burying her head in my sweater.

walking out the creaky old house, amriah struggled to walk. her knees dipped every minute and her back was hunched over while she was gripping the fabric of my clothes tightly. as, i opened the car door for her a tight knot began to form in my throat. it felt heavy and i felt as if i opened my mouth i would cry. but i couldn't. i had to stay strong for her. and be her pillar so she can feel as safe and protected as possible by me.

my heart ached for her as i made my way to the other side of the car. hopping in the escalade, i peeped amirah who had leaned her seat all the way to the point of laying down curled up in a fetal position.

i turned the car on and smoothly made my way onto a main road. thick dark clouds hung in the air like sheets hung on a line outside. my mind ran in circles around me.

'' whoever tf touched her is done for. '' i thought.

my sadness quickly turned into anger. seeing her the way she was hurt me. since she had to feel pain, whoever did it to her needs to feel it 10x worse. i wasn't necessarily the '' gangsta '' type but i didn't fuck around neither.

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