Chapter 7- Totally Messed

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I sat down in art class, and immediatly put my head down.

"Alright class, today you have a free period to finish any work that's not done." my art teacher said. I silently cheered in my head because I had all my work done. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. What the fuck?

I slowly lifted my head up to see Daniel, sitting the desk next to me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Whats up sleepy head?" he said, patting my head. I slapped his hand away and glared.

"Absuive today are we?" he said, smirking. 

"What do you want," I hissed at him, he better have a good reason for waking me up.

"Nothing, just bored." he said.

"Well go talk to someone else," I said, putting my head back down. I heard footsteps walking away, and I let out a sigh of relief, falling back asleep.

I felt someone shaking me and I tried to wiggle out of their grasp but they kept shaking me. It was obviously Daniel, who else couldn't take a hint like that. I whipped my head up,


"What did you just say Crystal?" I heard a high pitched voice say, my eyes widened as I realized it wasn't Daniel.

"Um well you see, I'm having a pretty off day today," I explained without looking up at my teacher. I heard giggles around the classroom at my situation and I silently cursed them all.

"Well just because your having a bad day, doesn't mean you get to go around swearing at people," she said. I looked up at her.

"Well wouldn't you if you only got one hour of sleep, an apple for lunch and your friend keeps bothering you all day?" I asked, giving her a look. 

"I would probably want to but I wouldn't do it," she said. I kept staring at her until she cracked.

"Ok fine, maybe I would but I'm a teacher and your a student, you'll get in trouble." she said.

"You would too," I said. She sighed, knowing she wouldn't win this and walked away. I smirked and put my head back down but it was no use because the bell rang. I slowly got up and gathered up my stuff. 

"So that was quite the outburst," Daniel commented. I glared at him,

"That was the second teacher that has caught me swearing today and if one more catches me then I'm pretty sure I will get a detention. So if could just leave me alone, that would be great," I hissed at him. He raised his eyebrows,

"Wow, that really sucks, so I'll leave you alone," he said with soft eyes.

"Really?" I asked, smiling. His eyes turned micheavious

"Hell no, welcome to my show, one day of hell. Your our guest star for today." He said, my smile dropped and I shoved him away, walking to my next class. Math. I'll have no problem falling asleep during this lesson.


"No Izzy, I don't care if the dance is in three days, I'm not going dress shopping with you," I said, walking to my car.

"But Crystal, you have to. I've never gone dress shopping without you." she whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Well theres a first time for everything," I said. Stepping into my car and closing the door. Izzy stood there, with her hands crossed over her chest and a pout on her lips. I waved at her and then drove off. As soon as I got home I headed straight for my room. I didn't bothering changing out of my clothes as I climbed into my bed to go to sleep. Just as I was about to go to sleep, my phone rang. I let out a frustrated groan and picked up my phone. I didn't check the caller ID as I answered,

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