Chapter 4- A Night To Remember(Part 1)

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When me and Daniel walked into the party, it was in full blast. I immediatly pulled Daniel around, introducing him to everyone...literally. After about 15-20 minutes, he knew everyone and got about 5 phone numbers from girls.

"Hey Daniel, let's go find Jay and the others," I said, looking around for them.

"Nah, it's ok, I think I'm gonna stay right here," He said. I gave him a confused look and he just nodded his head over to a group of girls, who were giving him looks and ocasionally winking at him. Gosh, kill me now.

"Oh of course," I said smirking, he smirked back as I walked away to go find my friends. I was walking around for, I don't know how long until I finally found them in the backyard sitting in a circle talking. Typical them. I walked over,

"Hey guys!" I said smiling. They all looked up and greeted me with smiles.

"Hey, where's Daniel," Mark asked.

"Hanging out with some girls," I said, shrugging. They all smirked

"Of course, he just got here and he's already making his move....I like this guy!" Jay said, I laughed.

"So what happened at the mall, did Daniel pass the test?" Cassadee asked. I sighed,

"Sadly no, he still has a lot to learn but he's getting there," I said.

"Well, we can help him get there," Izzy said. I nodded.

"HEY EVERYBODY, WE'RE GONNA START A GAME OF SPIN THE BOTTLE BY THE LAKE," Yelled some random guy from the soccer team.

"Seriously, spin the bottle, are we like in 5th grade again?" Vanessa snorted. I laughed

"C'mon it can't be that bad and it would be fun to transform into a bunch of little kids again," I said. Everyone agreed and we all walked down to the lake to get a spot on the grass, Daniel soon came outside but he sat across from us instead of beside us. I gave him a confused look but soon saw that the girls were still clung onto him and I smirked.

"Ok, I'm gonna start!" Rymond said and spun the bottle, it landed on a cheerleader and they both smirked as they walked up to eachother. Rymond pulled her towards his chest and kissed her, and god was that kiss long, someone had to go up there and pull them apart.

"OK, so that happened, next person?" Tyler said, looking disgusted. I just laughed.

A couple of hours passed by and the game just continued. I was getting pretty bored and I was about to leave until-

"Now its my turn," I heard Daniel say. I looked up and was met with his eyes, I gave him look as if asking if he was really gonna do it and he just nodded. I shrugged and sat back down, I didn't want to miss this. Daniel spun the bottle with a flick of his wrist, I watched closely as the bottle spun. It gradually got slower and slower until it landed on someone and I gasped when I saw who it was......


Hey Guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'm really tired and I thought this story needed another cliffhanger. Anyways thank you so much for reading Awkward Love and I'll have the next part up soon! Vote/Comment/Share please, love you guys so much!!!

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