Chapter 18- Day to forget

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It was going on 5 o'clock in the morning. I was currently in the living room, huddled beneath a heap of blankets on the couch, watching Girl Meets World re-runs and drinking multiple energy drinks to keep me awake. Why, you may ask? Well it's simple really. I saw a spider in my room. Not a regular one that you see from time to time nope, it was one of those rare super creepy ones that are like combination of weird colours, and they look like they want to eat you. Never experienced that? Well I'm telling you now that it exists, that spider wants to eat me, but I don't wanna let that happen, hence me fleeing from my room and trying to stay awake just in case it crawled down here and ate me in my sleep.

So now I'm here, probably gonna be like a walking zombie all day but whatever. After the whole crying my eyes out scene with Daniel, I just wanted to go home and eat a bunch of candy. Ice cream or chocolate may be other girls comfort food, but my comfort food is candy. After promising him to hang out tomorrow, I dropped the girls off at their houses before heading to mine, where I proceeded to take a shower and drop in my bed. It was around 4 o'clock when I spotted the eight legged people eating monster crawling on my wall, which lead to right now. Congratulations, you guys are all caught up now. 

"Riley! Riley no! Come on! The sun doesn't stop shining, you know this. I know you know this!" I yelled at the TV, opening another energy drink. I took one sip before deciding that I really need to use the washroom. I placed the drink down on the table before running upstairs to the bathroom, carrying my brothers shoe with me in case I see the spider and my phone in case it attacks me before I can attack it. Once I took care of my business, I was leaving the bathroom when I saw it. The spider was crawling on the wall, towards me. I yelped, lifting the shoe above my head before bringing it down on the spider, crushing it. I quickly dropped the shoe and ran downstairs, jumping on the couch and wrapping myself in the blankets again. 

I did it! I killed Frank! Yes, I named the stupid thing, don't judge me. I am the Spider exterminator! With the spider finally taken care of, I laid down on the couch, attempting to fall asleep but it seems all those energy drinks has gotten to me as I can't fall asleep. 

So I just laid there. Watching random episodes of Girl Meets World, a spider squished on my brothers shoe upstairs, a bunch of energy drink cans spread on the coffee table in front of me. It was about 7 o'clock when I finally passed out, the last I remember was Lucas breaking passed the barrier into Riley's room. 


"Crystal! Answer your goddamn phone already, it's been ringing for the past 5 minutes," I woke up to Connor shouting at me from upstairs. I rolled my eyes before sitting up, grabbing my phone and answering it. 

"Hello?" I asked, my voice groggy.

"Crystal! Did you just wake up?" Daniel's voice asked me. I rubbed my eyes, yawning.

"Pretty much yeah. What time is it?" I asked, standing up and stretching.

"12 o'clock," He told me. My eyes widened,

"Seriously? The last time I checked the time it was like 6:40" I said, heading upstairs.

"What were you doing up at 6:40 in the morning?" He asked me, curious. I thought back to the spider,

"Long story," I answered, shrugging.

"Okay well, are you coming or not?" He asked. I was confused for a second before remembering, we were hanging out today.

"Oh right, yeah, just give me an hour and I'll be there," I said. He agreed before hanging up. I  quickly ran in my room, grabbed a sweater, a pair of tights, underwear and a bra, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

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