Chapter 16- Fool me twice, Shame on me

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The girls and I were going to get ready at my house and go to the party together. So once they got here, we turned on some music and started getting ready. We all had our own individual styles; Izzy being the badass, Vanessa being the sweetheart(Unless you get her mad), Cassadee being the kind hearted trouble maker, and me being the playful nerd(Although I kind of liked switching styles every now and then). With that being said, we got ready by ourselves only helping eachother when it was really needed.

By the time we finished getting ready, the party had already started, so we quickly grabbed everything we needed and headed out. Once we were in the car, I started driving to our destination. The party was in full swing by the time we got there.

"Fashionably late, awesome!" Vanessa cheered, walking ahead of us and urging us to go faster. I laughed and walked up.

"Jay was right, this party is epic," Izzy said, as we walked in. I nodded,

"Yeah it is. Anyway let's split up and try to find him, okay?" I said. They nodded, Vanessa and Izzy going in the same direction and Cassadee and me going in the opposite direction of them.

"Where do you think he could be?" Cassadee asked. I shrugged,

"He usually likes getting a couple drinks first," I said. She nodded before dragging me to the kitchen. We looked around but he was nowhere in sight. I sighed, about to leave the kitchen before I spotted Mark. Confused I walked over to him,

"Mark? What are you doing here?" I asked, he looked at me in surprise before his eyes darkened,

"Crystal, the real question is, what are you doing here?" He asked me, I shook my head.

"I decided, if Jay wants to be at this party so much, I'd come here and surprise him. Then we can still hang out," I said, now he shook his head.

"You shouldn't be here Crystal. You need to leave before someone gets hurt," Mark said, I looked at him confused,

"Why would anyone get hurt?" I asked. He looked at me before sighing, shaking his head and walking away. Confused than I ever I turned around and walked back to Cassadee,

"Was that Mark?" She asked. I nodded before explaining to her what happened. She too, looked really confused.

"Something really is up then," She said, I nodded again. Something was going on, and I had the sinking suspicion that I wouldn't like it one bit.


We've been here for about half an hour and still no sign of Jay. I had grabbed a bottle of water a while ago was just starting to feel the effects of drinking the whole thing,

"Hey Cass, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, let me know if you see him," I said, she nodded and I walked away in search of the bathroom. I found it and quickly took care of my business before going back to find Cassadee. On the way I heard someone say Jays name and quickly snapped my head towards the direction it came from, a bedroom. I quietly crept towards it, my heart pounding in my chest. I opened it to reveal something I was hoping to never see again,

"You know we really have to stop finding ourselves in this situation," I said loudly, the two quickly jumped apart at the sudden sound. Jays eyes went wide when he saw me, jumping up to rush to me while Holly sat there, smirking. Deja Vu much?

I held up my hand to stop him in his tracks,

"Don't come any closer to me Jay," I said, coldly. He looked at me, his eyes pleading,

"Crystal I can explain," Jay said. I laughed humorlessly,

"Oh right, I've heard that one before. Go on then, explain," I said, raising an eyebrow, crossing my arms across my chest.

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