Chapter 22- The Start

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***Crystal's POV***

**2 weeks later**

For the last 2 weeks I've been trying to take the time to get over Jay and all that happened with him. I think I've succeeded to because I feel like I'm ready to start a new relationship. I'm currently sitting in my last period class, my knee bouncing up and down in anticipation in seeing Daniel.

When the bell rang, I sprung out of my seat and out the door, heading straight out of the school and to Daniel's car. He appeared about 5 minutes later and smiled when he saw me,

"Hey Crystal, ready to go?" He asked me, I eagerly nodded my head

"Yeah, let's go I actually wanna tell you something." I said, he gave me a curious look before going over to the driver's seat, while I got in the passengers seat. We were going to the diner today, I don't have a shift so it's just to hang out. 

The car ride was filled with comfortable silence until we arrived at the diner. Daniel got out of the car, and I followed suit, running ahead of Daniel and inside the dinner to find a table. Daniel followed me at a slower pace and I sighed exasperatedly when he finally got to the table,

"You're so slow." I told him, he rolled his eyes

"Oh shush Sonic." He said, I just stuck my tongue out. A waiter came over to take our order and I got an Orange Crush with chicken strips. Daniel got a Sprite with a cheeseburger. When the waiter walked away, I turned to Daniel.

"So I have something to tell you." I said, Daniel turned to me, eyebrow raised

"Okay? Tell away," He said,

"I think I'm ready to start a new relationship." I said, his eyes widened.

"Really?" He asked, I nodded and he grinned

"That's awesome!" He exclaimed, I laughed at his outburst, the people around us turning to look.

"You're so loud," I said, after I finished laughing, he shrugged.

"Only when I'm excited." He told me, I grinned.

"Well I'm excited to." I said, he smiled at me before we turned to look at the performances.


The last performance had just finished and people were clearing out of the place, however Daniel and I stayed at our tables as we weren't ready to leave yet. When the last person left, Daniel turned to look at me, grabbing my hands in his.

"So Crystal, you said you were ready to start a new relationship?" He said, I nodded

"Yep, 100% ready." I said, he smiled.

"So does that mean I can take you out on a date?" He asked me, I grinned,

"I don't know, does it?" I teased him,

"You tell me." 

"Yes Daniel, it does mean that I'll go on a date with you." I said, he grinned at me and I grinned back. We just stared at each other for a bit before Daniel pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and we started leaning in. 

When our lips were about an inch apart, Daniel looked at me as if to ask I'm sure and I responded by closing the distance between us. He was shocked at first but it didn't last long before he started kissing me back. 

We broke apart, panting, our foreheads leaning on each other. We both had soft smiles on our faces until I realized something,

"Oh my gosh!" I said, sitting up straight, Daniel looked at me,

"What is it?" He asked, I looked at him,

"I just kissed you before the first date. I think we mixed up the steps there." I said, Daniel stared at me for a bit before chuckling and pulling me into his side. I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead

"You're so adorable." 


Hii!!! I know the chapter is short but these last few chapters will probably be pretty short. Anywho, hope you liked the chapter. Who's excited for their date? It's coming up next. Vote/Comment/Share and thank you for reading Awkward Love.

I>o<I :D <3 

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