Chapter 3- Carrying on a Master Plan

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I was by my locker just playing on my phone afterschool, waiting for Daniel.

Where the hell is Daniel?

"Hey Crystal," I heard a voice say. I looked up, it was Tyler, my somewhat friend but mostly my enemy. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why he was talking to me. I voiced my thoughts

"Hey, um why are you talking to me exactly?" I asked with annoyance in my tone, I don't know why, I just hated the boy a lot.

"Gosh, your so harsh to me, it hurts really." he said faking hurt, putting a hand to his heart.

"Whatever, so what did you want?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just saw you and thought I'd talk to you since I clearly have nothing better to do with my life." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, clearly" I said. My eyes widened. Did I just diss myself?

"Wow, the day Crystal disses herself instead of me, that's rare." Tyler said answering my question. I rolled my eyes again.

"Can you leave now?" I asked annoyed.

"Nah I think I'm good here." he said. I glared and then faked a sneeze.

"Gross sneeze into your sleeve next time," I held back a laugh and sneezed again.

"Do you have a cold?" He said suddenly very concerned. Yes I hit his soft spot!

"Nah, I'm just highly allergic." I said.

"Too what?" He asked.

"Jackasses" I smirked. He stared at me for a moment, trying to figure out what I just said, he finally got it and glared.

"Dumbass," I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said. I started walking away since he clearly wasn't leaving.

"Your such a bitch," I heard him call after me. I paused, took out my phone and texted him back.

From: Crystal

To: Tyler

Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Creative Human. Thanks for the compliment bro, keep it real! ;)

"Seriously!!!!!!" I heard him groan. I turned around to face him, smirked, winked, then turned around and stuck him my finger walking away.I walked around the corner, going to wait by my car for Daniel, when my phone buzzed,

From: Daniel

To: Crystal

'Gonna stay after school a little, I'll come by your house after to go to the mall. Text me the address.'

I sighed and texted him my address. I skipped the rest of the way to my car, got in and drove home. I walked into my house,

"MOM, IM HOME!!!!!" I yelled. She came downstairs, smiling when she saw me.

"Hey sweetie!" She said. I smiled as she hugged me. We sat down in the living room.

"So tell me, how was school today?" She asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes

"Well, I made a new friend," I said shrugging.

"Really! What's his name? Is he cute?" she asked. I laughed

"His name is Daniel and yes he is pretty cute, but don't read to much in to it, I do have a boyfriend you know." I told her.

"Of course, so what are your plan's for this afternoon?" She asked.

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