Chapter 17- Damn, You're Such A...

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Morning came pretty fast, but then again we were up for a while. I left Cassadee to sleep for a while longer, knowing that it'd be a complete fail if I tried to wake her up right now. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, grabbing a glass of orange juice and sitting down on the counter. I looked through my phone, seeing countless calls and messages from Jay. I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling until I came across one message from Mark.

To: Crystal

From: Mark

Hi Crystal, I'm sorry you have to go through this again. Hopefully you're doing okay. I'm gonna be talking some sense into Jay if you need me

How did Mark know? I mean he was at the party, maybe Jay told him? Whatever, it's not important. I finished off my orange juice and proceeded to make breakfast; Bacon and eggs for me and left out the Cereal for Ms. Vegetarian upstairs. Once I was done, I sat at the table with my food and texted Mark back

To: Mark

From: Crystal

Hey Mark, yea I don't really wanna go through this again either, but I'm fine really. Thanks though!

I sent the text and then started eating my food. Halfway through, I checked the time and decided that it was time for Cassadee to wake up. Putting down my fork, I got up and ran upstairs into the room and like the nice caring friend that I am, I jumped on her, proceeding to shake her shoulders until she woke up.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH MY LIFE?!" She yelled once she woke up, pushing me off her. I laughed, jumping off the bed,

"I'm bored, you're my entertainment, wake up," I said, simply, grabbing her arms attempting to pull her up, key word being attempting. I'm not really strong, so I was actually just yanking on her arms helplessly.

"Okay I'm up, stop trying to pull off my arms," She grumbled, yanking her arms away from me and getting up from the bed, walking downstairs. I laughed before running off after her,

"Wait for me!" I cheered, running into the kitchen where she was making her cereal. I sat at the table and continued eating, Cassadee sat across from me and glared at me while eating. I grinned back,

"Love you," I said, cheerfully. She continued to glare,

"Yea yea," She grumbled. I laughed again at her not so cheery attitude.


A few hours later, we were joined Vanessa and Izzy. I had work in an hour so I was getting ready because I honestly take really long to pick an outfit...oops? They helped me decide which song to sing today and I can't wait. 

After very very careful consideration, I finally....still didn't have an outfit picked out. I wanted my outfit to match the song that I'm singing, so I'm gonna have to dig deeper into my closet. I know the perfect outfit is in there somewhere. 

*10 Minutes Later*

"I FOUND IT!!" I yelled, pulling out the outfit that I managed to find, holding it up for them to see.



" I like it," 

I grinned at their responses before rushing to put it on considering I only had 20 minutes to get to work. I dressed, fixed my hair, and packed my purse in 5 minutes flat.

"Come on guys, I have 15 minutes left to get to work, let's go let's go!" I said, pushing out of my room and downstairs to my car. We all got in and I drove off, ready for my performance.

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